“Over the past twenty-four hours, we’ve had sex in her bed. I’ve licked peach juice off her ass. And I’ve tasted her with my fingers. Does that tell you how it was? If it didn’t, I can be more honest with you. I’m never going to have sex with anyone else. Dani’s it for me.”
“Damn, I wasn’t expecting that. She’s walking just fine considering you railed the shit out of her,” Grayson says.
“Oh, trust me, that’s not going to last for long though.”
“Guess those romance books came in handy then, didn’t they?” Grayson raises his eyebrows, making a kissy face.
My cheeks are warm, getting redder by the minute. “Hell yeah, they did.”
“Wait a damn minute. You licked peach juice off her ass?” Xander raises his voice.
I hit Xander in the shoulder. “Will you shut the hell up? She’s going to hear you.”
“Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?” Sarcasm takes over his voice.
I shrug my shoulders. “Your best friend has evolved.”
Xander scoffs, rolling his eyes. “Bullshit, you just lost your virginity.”
“That’s evolution for you,” I tell him.
“That’s not everything that happened. You’re holding back something from us. Spill it.” Grayson has a big, dumb smile on his face while Xander crosses his arms in front of his chest.
It’s hard to look at Grayson’s face when he’s talking to me because my eyes dart right to the ink that covers his arms in their entirety.
His love for tattoos started when he was a teenager.
He was in his rebellious phase, but I think we all went through that phase if I’m being honest.
I’m shocked I can still see bare skin on his arms. I thought he would’ve had full sleeves by now.
Xander has a few tattoos here and there on his arms. Not as many as Gray has though.
Then, there’s me. The tattoo virgin.
I’ve never thought about getting a tattoo until this morning.
When I went for my run, my mind thought of the idea of getting a tattoo. A black outline of the sun on the inside of my wrist. Fucking crazy to even think about this since Dani and I just got together last night, but I need a reminder that the sun will always come out after a monsoon.
“You look like your head is going to explode,” Grayson says.
“Sorry, I was just thinking about something.”
“Thinking about what?” Xander asks me, cocking his head.
“It’s not important. On the other hand, I may have told Dani I’m in love with her.”
“What do you mean by may have?” Xander repeats.
“I didn’t actually say it, but I told her I can’t stop thinking about her. How I want her all the time. I called her my sunshine. I don’t know why I didn’t tell her I love her. I’m such an idiot.”
“Yeah, you are an idiot. But we already know that.”
I shake my head, rolling my eyes. “You’re so fucking helpful, Gray.”
“Don’t tell me something that I already know.”
“I’m being sarcastic, dumbass.”