Walking into her bedroom, I take her over to the white plush chair in between her bedside table and dresser.
Her lips pucker out enough that a cute little smile lights up her face. She sits on my lap, her body aligning horizontally and tucking loose tendrils of hair behind her ears. “We can’t be one of those couples who have sex all the time.”
“Wait, since when are we a couple?” I ask.
I’ve been wanting to ask her to be my girlfriend, but I’ve been wanting to wait because this is all happening so damn fast.
She bites her top lip while her eyes search around the room in order to avoid eye contact with me. “It just slipped out. I didn’t mean anything by it. Really. I?—”
I cut her off, even though I adore it when she rambles. “Dani.”
“What?” Her tone is high-pitched.
“Look at me, Sunshine.”
She turns towards me, looking up at me with those big brown eyes. Embarrassment is written all over her face, but she’s not blushing. “What are we if we’re not a couple?” she asks, biting her lip.
“It’s hard to be a couple when I haven’t asked you if you want to be my girlfriend yet.” I wait to see if she responds, but she doesn’t. She’s waiting for me to ask her the question, so I ask it. “Do you want to be my girlfriend?” I grin.
After last night, I assumed we’re dating, but I’ve learned to not make assumptions when it comes to Danielle Solomon.
“Eh,” she says.
“What the hell do you mean by eh?”
She laughs like an evil villain does in a cartoon movie. “Ah, it’s so easy to get a reaction out of you.”
“You want to know what else is easy?”
“What else is easy?”
“The fact that I can make you blush with one glance and laugh by saying the dumbest shit to you. But, my favorite is how fast I can make you come.”
I’m running my fingers along her arm which is prickling me with the goosebumps forming on her skin.
She’s breathing heavily.
Oh fuck, she’s moaning deep from the base of her throat.
Just kill me now.
I’ve never heard a woman moan like that in my entire life. Hearing Dani moan like that is making me lose my goddamn mind.
My hard-on is massive. The more she lets those insane moans escape her hypnotizing mouth, the bigger it gets.
“Shall we test my theory?” I raise my eyebrows up and down over and over to get my point across.
“I have a feeling I can’t say no since I can feel you under my ass.”
“Hard not to do considering all you’re wearing is underwear.”
“Don’t start with me,” she says.
“I’m not starting anything.”
“Will you kiss me before I change my mind?” Irritation trickles throughout her tone.
“You can always change your mind with me.”