He’s staring deep into my eyes, branding me and claiming me as his. My hand interlocks with his, our fingers fitting perfectly together.
Fate and destiny brought Noah back into my life. I can’t imagine the people we used to be anymore. There’s no price tag when it comes to what we have now.
“I should’ve told you this last night, but I was a chicken shit. Here it goes. Dani, I…”
Fuck, seriously?
His phone buzzes in his back pocket. The screen lights up with a text as he pulls it out to face him. “It’s my mom.”
He’s typing his heart out while I wait patiently to see what updates Laura has in store for us.
He places his phone onto the floor beside him when he’s done. “Mom says hi.”
“What did she say?”
“Dr. Miller called her to tell her we can take Lizzie home in a few hours. Talked about how she’s going to have intense physical therapy. A PT will be coming to the house until Liz is able to go to the hospital for PT herself. That’s about it.”
“That’s good news, isn’t it?”
“Yeah. It’s great news. I mean if you look at it that way.”
“PT will help her regain her strength and get back to her old self. It’s awesome news.”
“You’re right.”
His eyes are distracting the hell out of me, so I resort to changing the subject and turning on the Danielle Solomon branded charm. “Hey, do you know what my favorite color is?”
He chuckles, his facial expression shows he’s surprised by the sudden subject change. “What’s your favorite color?”
“Whatever color your eyes are. Ocean blue. Teal. Turquoise. I don’t know.”
He wets his lips with his tongue, letting out this deep breath that almost takes my breath away. “You’re so fucking cute, you know that?”
My cheeks are warm again. What a surprise.
Leaning my elbows on my knees, I cover my flushed cheeks with my hands.
I don’t know why I even do this anymore. He knows he can make me blush just by looking at me. It’s a normal reaction I give when someone compliments me.
He puts his hands on mine, delicately pulling them away from my face and holding onto them for dear life.
My skin is tingling like pins and needles from his touch.
He’s sitting in front of me now, scooting me closer to him. “You never have to hide from me.”
“Sorry, it’s a reflex.”
“I’m going to stop your reflexes every chance I get.”
“Sure you are,” I say.
“Try me, I dare you.”
“Please tell me you’re joking. We’re not kids anymore, Kaplan.”
“The fire in your eyes says something entirely different, Solomon.”
“You really are an idiot.”