“Remind me. What’s the name of the book you’re reading? One that has smut in it, perhaps?” His voice and intense gaze are sending shivers down my spine.
I clear my throat, unable to comprehend what he just asked me. I’m smiling up a storm and blushing so hard my cheeks might overheat. “Why?”
“What book is it?”
“Tell. Me. The. Name,” he commands.
“I’m re-reading one of my favorite romance books right now.”
“Oh?” He peppers kisses along the side of my neck.
I’m officially a mess.
As his kisses deepen on my neck, I delicately run my fingers through his hair while my other hand brushes against his cheek.
His kiss softens, slowly sliding his lips over to mine and brushing them ever so slightly.
“I-I’m in a…r-reading slump,” I stammer, barely a whisper and almost sounding like a cry.
His head lifts, eyes directed towards my face. “Why are you re-reading one of your favorite books?”
“Sometimes it helps me get out of a slump when I re-read my favorite books.”
“What is it called?” He rasps, his voice full of desire.
I squeeze my eyes shut as he bites and tugs on my bottom lip. “Icebreaker,” I say.
My eyes snap open to the realization he’s the only guy I’ve ever allowed to touch me and kiss me. I mean, he’s the first guy I’ve ever kissed. And hell our first kiss was perfect. He’s perfect.
He smirks, his gaze setting my skin on fire.
“Why the hell are you looking at me like that?”
“You want to know the authors I read?” He locks eyes with me.
My breath catches in my throat as I stare into his eyes, drowning in them. It’s as if the planet stopped spinning on its axis and he’s the only thing I see.
My heart is pounding hard inside my chest. All I can feel is his hands on my skin and his breath.
His voice brings me back to reality as a smirk materializes across his lips. “Elsie Silver, Lucy Score, and…” He moves closer to my ear, his hot breaths convulsing off my skin. “Hannah Grace.”
My mouth drops open, my eyes blink rapidly for a few seconds.
Lizzie must have given him a list of my favorite romance books. Maybe that flashlight might come in handy after all.
“Indeed, I did. So…if you ever wanted to test out the waters, I’d be happy to oblige.”
“Test out the waters?” I stifle out a laugh.
“We can make those spicy scenes you read about all the time a reality. I’m going to use every goddamn opportunity to get you to scream my name so fucking loud the neighbors are going to hear you.”
Damn, that was hot.
“Noah, I-I, that was s-so…”
Before my thoughts have the slightest chance of traveling out of my mouth, he crashes his mouth onto mine, ravishing it.