Page 88 of The Lazarov Bratva

“Not a dog?”

“No, a cat.”

“Dogs can protect you.”

“From what, the dust inside your old books?” Alena scoffs. “A cat.”

“I’ll think about it,” I say, storing her desire for a pet in my mind for later. “Come on, bed. It’s late.”

“You’re the one who wanted to eat at three a.m.,” she points out, but she slides from the stool regardless. Again, as I reach for her chain, she slips her hand into mine instead, and the warmth is so soft that I can’t bring myself to break it.

Leading her upstairs, I take her all the way to bed and watch her as she washes her face and goes through her nightly routine. By the time she’s finished, she’s minty fresh and she smells like roses. I take her to bed and secure the chain to the headboard, tucking her in under the covers.

“Goodnight, Alena.”

As I turn to leave, her hand shoots out and catches my wrist, so I turn back.

“Stay with me,” she says. “Please? Just tonight?”

Hesitation pulses through me. I’d never really considered a time when Alena would want me near her, in her space for anything other than sex. Yet here she is, asking me to sleep in bed with her, and I can’t resist.

In truth, I don’t think I can ever say no to her.

“Are you sure?”

“Please,” she says. “Even just until I fall asleep?”

Maybe this is a sign that the loneliness she mentioned is stronger than she’s letting on. I should have seen this coming, yet I’ve been so caught up in making her mine that I didn’t think much about what came after.

The flaws of a spur of the moment plan.

“Okay,” I agree after a moment.

The smile on her face is the widest I’ve ever seen. Staying until she falls asleep feels like a good compromise, so I pull off my shirt, remove my shoes, and slide into bed next to her.

Alena immediately latches onto my side, and I drape my arm over her shoulders. With her head on my chest and her warmth pressed against me, the tension within my body very slowly starts to ease. Her breath tickles across my chest, and if I focus hard enough, I can almost feel the lazy thrum of her pulse. I stroke her hair, turn off the light, and listen to her breathing.

Alena falls asleep quickly, tucked up against me like this is where she was born to be. She’s warm and comforting, and for a moment, I entertain the idea of what a future could look like for us. A real relationship, giving her my heart and my soul because I trust her not to break it.

It’s not until the morning sun warms my face and the sounds of birds singing reach my ears that I realize I fell asleep right next to Alena. I’m curled onto my side with Alena still fast asleep, bundled in my arms. She looks incredibly peaceful, and as I wake up slowly, it hits me like a thump to the chest.

I feel rested.

More rested than I’ve felt in decades.



The pressure in the shower is utter heaven.

I finished washing some time ago, but the intense pressure pouring from the shower is enough to keep me in the hot water for longer than is surely responsible. Here, there’s nothing but the soothing heat washing down my back, the light scents of vanilla and spice, and no thoughts in my mind. Who needs a masseuse when you have a shower this good?

Life is good.

More than good. In fact, this has to be my favorite time here so far, even since a couple of days ago when I persuaded Kristof to sleep beside me in my bed. It had been a gamble, given how often he rejects anything close to real intimacy, but ever since that night, he’s slept next to me and it’s been amazing.

Almost like we’re a real couple.