Nastja and Ivan share the same concern if their warning glances are anything to go by.
This is the problem with a spur of the moment plan. The threads are thin.
I had told Alena a white lie last night. I am loyal to the Orlovas to a fault. That part is true. But it’s the Family I am loyal to, and by strong extension, her. Not Aleksander. The past year has shown me enough that his hold on power is wavering. If his own daughter can sneak out of this prison right under his nose, then he is no longer a man fit to lead this Family.
I am, though. With the woman I adore by my side.
I ignore my siblings and focus on Aleksander as he begins handing out assignments to the other lieutenants. Areas to search, people to interrogate, and as Mara shifts in her seat, dabbing at her eye, a thought sparks in my mind.
“What about the Kuznetsovs?” I ask.
Aleksander pauses, and silence falls, all eyes drifting to me.
“What about them?” Mara asks.
“It would be impossible for an outsider to sneak in here, snatch Alena in a house flooded with security, and sneak her out of here without a single soul seeing.”
Aleksander’s hand clenches into a fist.
“However, a Family that has your ear and can come and go as they please without arousing suspicion may be able to do all sorts of things.”
“That is a dangerous accusation,” Aleksander remarks tightly.
“Is it?” I lean forward, resting my elbow on the table. “They are the only people who would gain something from this, don’t you think? Snatching Alena makes you—makes us—look weak, like we can’t even protect our own. An outside Family, even the Irish or the Italians, wouldn’t make such a reckless move when we’re already on the brink of war. But the Kuznetsovs? With Alena, they could bargain for more than just a seat at the table.”
Aleksander’s lips part as his bushy brows pinch together, but Mara’s brittle voice carves through the air before he can speak.
“Ridiculous,” she spits. “The Kuznetsovs have too much to lose with such a move. They wouldn’t risk this wedding.”
My suspicion flares slightly. “Are you sitting there, telling me that the Kuznetsovs really have more to gain from the wedding than from a kidnapping?”
Mara’s eyes narrow, and she smirks ever so faintly. “You are not privy to that information.”
What the hell does she mean? The suspicion in my mind rises once more. Suddenly, I’m struck with the distinct feeling that I’m missing a puzzle piece with the Kuznetsovs.
“Enough,” Aleksander barks. “I will not be alerting the Kuznetsovs to Alena’s absence until I am certain who took her.”
“What if she ran away?” pipes up a voice from behind me, and all eyes turn to Alexei, whose cheeks flush slightly the moment the attention is on him.
His shoulders rise, and he glances at me, clearly seeking aid as the silence drags out with people either waiting for him to speak or shocked that he spoke without permission.
“Run away?” I ask, finally giving him an out.
He looks insanely relieved. “I just mean… if it’s been considered. I spoke to my sister, Katja. She’s Alena’s maid, and she mentioned that Alena had been secretive lately. Maybe she ran away?”
Mara’s sharp laugh brings my attention back to the table, and I glance at Ivan, who winks at me. This must be his doing, part of his way of ensuring Katja remains guiltless through this.
“Alena is not bright enough to do something like that,” Mara remarks. “Besides, we questioned the maid, didn’t we?”
“Yes, I did,” Ivan speaks up. “That girl is slow. I suspect Alena was simply tiring of her friendship.”
“No wonder.” Mara sniffs sharply. “Friendships with the help are never a good idea.”
“I don’t care!” Aleksander yells suddenly, and Mara jumps in her seat as he slams his fist down once more. “I don’t care about these useless details. Alena is missing, and we have to find her. I will tear down this entire country to get her back, do you understand me? From this moment, friendships do not matter. Love does not matter. The only loyalty that holds any weight is the loyalty that will bring my daughter back to me, understand? And if it is the Kuznetsovs…” He pauses and glances at Mara. “They will not be safe from my wrath. Deal or not.”
That has to be the most passion Aleksander has ever used to speak about his daughter, and she’s not even here to hear it. His determination to bring her back is almost admirable, but he’s already shown his true colors. It’s not a father’s love that wants her back.
It’s the fear of the resulting weakness if she’s never found.