A pleased shudder rolls through me and a faint smile pulls at my lips. Finally, a little progress. She’s willing. I can see it as clear as day. She just needs some help.
“If you follow the rules and prove to me that you can be trusted, that you are serious in what you say about staying here with me, then…” I say, stepping forward.
Her eyes blink wide, and I finally smile.
“If you do all of that, I will move you into the main house. How does that sound?”
For the first time since last night, Alena smiles.
“You think you can just control me like some kind of animal, dangling a reward in front of my face?”
I hate him.
I think.
I should hate him. Logic tells me I should hate everything about this situation, that I should be scared and desperately seeking a way to escape, but I’m not. I haven’t been scared since the moment he walked in here.
A dark part of me likes this, but I’m not sure how much I want to acknowledge that part. It’s not normal. I’m not normal.
I’ve fantasized about Kristof snatching me away, rescuing me, and taking me back to his place to make love to me over and over. Reality is quite different from my fantasy, and yet I’m still excited. Every time he talks, a shiver steals across my naked form, and his roving eye warms my core. Even the cage isn’t awful.
There’s something sinfully kinky about being locked up like a pet. Like he can’t stand the thought of anyone else getting to me. He wanted me so badly that he just took me. He took a look at the insane situation I created and turned it to his advantage, all so he could have me.
It’s romantically twisted.
And the most attention I’ve gotten from anyone in years. The sex was mind-blowing, and he’s unlocked something bold inside me.
Something that wants to submit as much as it wants to rise to him.
So far, that part is winning.
“If you want to be an animal, I’ll treat you like one,” Kristof replies easily, and a light smirk dances across his lips. “But we both know how well you react to a treat if last night is anything to go by. I know exactly what you want, Alena.”
My cheeks flush immediately, and I press my legs closer together, only for a pulse of warm tension to shoot through my core. I glower at him, but my heart skips a beat.
He knows what I want.
I want his rough hands all over my body, tracing my curves like I’m a prize. I want his tongue in all the devilish places that make me squirm. I want to feel that satisfying ache from being filled to the brim again, and just the thought of his cock makes my mouth water. I glance down at his tented crotch, running things over in my mind. He hasn’t hurt me, nor does he scare me.
What does is the prospect of losing him. Of Kristof dumping me back home to spend a hollow eternity with Mikhail, who could never live up to the experiences Kristof has given me in such a short time.
His rules are a lot, and I’ve already forgotten a couple of them due to my humiliation at being locked away, but the idea isn’t unpleasant. If I follow his rules, he’ll touch me, and I ache for that. Follow them enough, and he’ll let me out to the rest of the house.
We’d be like a real couple.
“Fine,” I say eventually, and Kristof lifts one brow.
“Fine, what?”
“I’ll follow your rules, Sir.” I can be obedient. I’ve mastered that over the course of my life, but this is the first time rules stand a chance to benefit me.
“Good girl,” Kristof says, and my heart skips a painful beat. Warmth sweeps from my cheeks to my shoulders, and a tingle steals down my spine. I suppress a shiver and bite the inside of my cheek at the praise.
I like it. I like it more than I probably should.