“Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to meet with me today. I understand there is a lot of rebuilding to do, and I won’t keep you from it for long.”
A soft murmur skitters around the table.
“I won’t beat around the bush. Aleksander’s downfall, the removal of the Kuznetsovs, and Mara's betrayal mean the Family has suffered a huge blow these past few years. To outsiders, I’m sure it looks like things exploded within the space of a few months, but we’re all intimately familiar with how this has been a slow collapse for years, and there was nothing we could do to stop it.”
For the first time in my life, a skitter of nerves creeps up my spine.
“We’ve barely scraped by, and at this point, it’s sheer luck that the Italians remain underpowered, or I’m sure they would have crushed the both of us by now.” I glance at Seamus, who nods in agreement.
“The union between the remaining Orlova forces and their loyalty, combined with those loyal to me—including August Nikolaev and those loyal to him in our homeland—and this new alliance with Seamus Doyle and the rest of the Irish will usher the Russian Family into a new era of success. One where we do not forget our friends and those who help us.”
My focus turns fully to Seamus. “Seamus, you and your men were invaluable in saving my family, which is a debt I can never repay.”
“A few crates of Whiskey wouldn't go amiss,” Seamus jokes. Laughter bubbles softly, and I chuckle along.
“I understand you lost more than your fair share after Aleksander’s betrayal at the ceasefire meeting. As it stands, your actions and those of your people have helped us usher in a new era of peace between the Russians and the Irish. I’m sure there are many who wouldn’t have seen this coming in their lifetime. I understand August is still helping you get back on your feet, but if you need anything else, we’re at your disposal. And…”
I pause, and Alena hands me a document from the small pile she brought with her. Flicking through it to double-check, I slide it across the table to Seamus. He takes it with a slight frown.
“It feels like an age since we made the deal,” I say, “but I honor it. Half the docks are yours, even if it is a bit late. Alena split the property up, and while it can operate as one for both of us, these documents are your legal right to fifty percent of the land and all ships that come with it.”
Seamus blows out a long, low whistle. “When you came to me with this long ago, I was sure you were full of shit.” He chuckles. “Funny how things turn out, right?”
“I told you I was a man of my word.”
“Aye, you did.” Seamus tips his head once. “And you are. Thank you.”
“The end of the conflict means the shipping lanes will freely re-open and both our Families will prosper.” It feels so fucking good to finally say those words.
Then I turn to Andrev.
“Sir?” He steps forward, and I can already see the way he prepares for an order.
“Your unwavering loyalty over the years has been one of the few things that has gotten me through times I was certain would be my end.” Alena’s hand suddenly brushes against mine, and warmth sweeps up my arm. “You’ve risked your life for me, for Alena, for the Irish, and again, that’s a debt that I can’t repay.”
“There’s no need,” Andrev replies immediately. “You have my loyalty.”
“I know, which is why I’m putting you in charge of dealing with the weapons coming in from Mexico.”
“Sir?” Andrev’s mouth falls open.
“With the Kuznetsovs gone, that market is ripe for the picking. The sooner we get a foothold back in with that, the sooner the Cartel will remember that we are a significant threat. We don’t need the Italians getting any ideas. Don’t get me wrong, I intend to reach out to the Italian Don with the same offer of peace we have with the Irish, but I don’t want them muscling in on our market.”
“Understood, sir.” Andrev nods and presses his lips together. “Thank you.”
“Of course.” Giving Andrev free rein and this much responsibility was the easiest decision I’d ever made. He’s been by my side for so long that it’s about time he started reaping the benefits of the work. And there’s no one I trust more to handle the Cartel weapons than him.
Alexei bolts upright in his chair, and nerves are clear across his young features. “Yessir.”
“Your insider information was invaluable in saving Alena and helping us in the war against Aleksander. It was at great personal risk to your life, and you still came through for us, without thought. You’re being promoted. You can talk to August after this. He will set you up with your own team, and you will be the head of your own Family. Katja is also receiving a promotion.”
“A well-deserved one,” Alena pipes up. “Though she will be working under me, but she’s smart and resourceful. If anything, working as a maid all these years probably makes her more qualified than me.”
Polite laughter rises, led by an absolute guffaw from August.