Page 181 of The Lazarov Bratva

“Makes sense.”

Silence falls, and I watch August work, running through this latest revelation in my mind.

“Oh, there’s one more thing.” Andrev pulls another phone from his pocket and starts scrolling through screeds of texts. “August asked me to look into the territory that the Family controlled and I found something. The uneasy alliance we have with the Yakuza involves the trading of weapons for drugs—we supply the weapons, and they pay us in drugs that we shift for cash. Not long after Aleksander arrived, the Yakuza shipped a large shipment of drugs into the country, but we didn’t have a shipment of weapons sent out to pay them.”

“You think the drugs were stolen?” August asks, not looking up.

“I think that Family got greedy, stole the drugs, and didn’t pay for the guns by claiming that someone else swiped the drugs. It’s happened before, so it wouldn’t look too suspicious.”

“And Aleksander found out.” The pieces start to click in my mind as Andrev talks. “The Yakuza would definitely raise a stolen shipment with him. He’s here, bleeding men and time, so he goes to the Family that has weapons and a way for him to make some quick cash.”

“But he’s the fucking Pakhan,” August points out. “He should have thousands at the drop of a hat.”

My gaze snaps to Andrev. “Call Alexei. See what you can find out.”

Andrev nods and rises, hurrying away to make the call.

“You don’t think he’s waiting for backup, do you?” It’s a weak idea, but once it entered my mind, it was impossible to shake. “Getting money and weapons here suggests he’s gearing up for something, but all of that is useless without the men to back it up.”

“Maybe,” August agrees, sticking his tongue out as he concentrates on placing two delicate pieces together. “But the Irish are out of commission, and I’m sure the Italians heard how that went down, so who is he waiting for?”

That’s the answer I don’t have. Leaning back in my chair, my gaze slips back to Alena who locks eyes with me and beams. She holds up a handful of bright orange flowers, and I can’t help but smile back.

Andrev reappears, almost tripping out of his seat as he sits down in a hurry.

“Alexei couldn’t talk for long, but he says things are tense. Aleksander remains locked behind doors with only private security, and the last he heard, the Kuznetsovs were revolting after learning Alena has been ‘sullied’.” Andrev scoffs sharply. “Sounds like Aleksander was still promising her to them, but that’s fucked up now. No offense, Boss.”

“None taken.” Sullied? I want to kill Aleksander even more now for daring to allow such things to be said about his daughter. “So, the money and the weapons… gifts to ease the Kuznetsovs? He wants to show them he’s still the horse to back. They’re his attack dogs. If he needs them here to help him, it seems like the best way to sweeten the deal.”

“Makes sense,” August agrees. “Does he have the weapons yet?”

“Alexei says no. They’re collecting them in a few days. Apparently, Aleksander’s been hanging back because he still wants you to think he’s leaving for the States.” Andrev sets his phone back in his pocket.

“That’s it, then.” The decision comes easily. “We kill him when he goes to collect those weapons. Get me all the info you can on this deal, and I will make sure he doesn’t walk out of here alive.”

“Absolutely,” August agrees. “We’ve waited long enough.”

Andrev nods and leaves, hurrying away to reach out to his contacts. My attention turns to Alena who has enlisted the help of two guards to help her carry the flower pots brimming with colorful flowers. I watch her, keeping her in my sight until they vanish behind the hedges toward the willow tree.

“Oh, speaking of the Irish.” I glance back at August, who holds a half-built swan aloft. “Did your team make full contact?”

“Yes.” August nods. “The Irish are struggling. There’s no denying one smart attack would wipe them out. Aleksander really did a number on them, but I’m helping them get back on their feet.”

“Whoever would have seen this day.” I snort lightly. “Russians and Irish working together.”

“It’s as if peace between Families is possible.” August laughs. “They haven’t provided any information yet, though, on who contacted them about Alena. I can’t tell if they’re playing it close to the chest or if they simply don’t know, but I will keep you updated.”

“Thank you, August.” Thanks almost don’t feel enough considering how much he has done for me and Alena, but it’s all I have to offer.

“I have your back, Son,” August confirms, then he cheers softly as the next pieces of the swan slot into place. He puffs out his cheeks in relief.

It’s sweet to see. He could just buy a replacement, but no. August chooses to sit there and piece together his wife’s favorite ornament. In the past, I never would have understood such a love, but with Alena, I know I would do the same in a heartbeat.

Anything and everything to keep the smile on her face and the warmth in her eyes.

“I have to go.” Alena appears near the hedge, eyes on me, and it’s my cue to check and see how the flower pots look near the headstone.

“No problem,” August says, then he tuts suddenly as my hand nears the End Call button. “Oh! I can’t believe I forgot. The favor you asked of me?”