Page 173 of The Lazarov Bratva

I don’t speak.

“I was able to locate Ivan and Nastja, but what I found was… well, as you can expect, Aleksander butchered them. I’m so sorry. I’ve recovered everything I can, and I will make arrangements to have them cremated and sent to you. They should be laid to rest at home, don’t you think?”

It shouldn’t come as a shock, given the Orlova methods, but it’s still a surprise to hear. I’ve butchered plenty of people in my time, and yet, when it comes to my own siblings, it feels… cruel. Cold.

My legs weaken, and the bed comes up to meet me as I sit.

“Thank you,” I say finally. “For finding them. I know it can’t have been easy.”

“Son, don’t you worry about that. I’m only sorry I couldn’t return the favor to whoever did the dismembering.”

“Maybe Alexei will know.”

“Maybe.” My words feel distant, and pain blooms in my chest, threatening the freshly healed cracks from yesterday. I focus on it, forcing that hurt into the simmering anger in my heart. There, it will burn until Aleksander takes his last breath.

“Speaking of returning the favor, I got word that my men in the States made contact with Seamus. They’re assisting as we speak. You sure we can trust the Irish?”

“As much as we can trust anyone right now.” I sigh. “The ceasefire was a bloodbath. Whatever Aleksander’s plan is, he seems intent on killing everyone rather than reforging old alliances.”

“The scumbag,” August spits. “Well, from them I heard that there was talk on the streets about a large shipment from Russia. Now, I haven’t been able to send anything in months, so I did some digging and our favorite Orlova is on the move. He’s on the move to some deal. I’m assuming he wants to remind people here that he’s Boss and show that he can get a shipment across the water, so I must be a fuckwit.”

I snort with dry amusement. “You think it’s a show of power?”

“Yes. With the Irish at half mast, the docks won’t be contested right now.”

“So, what’s your plan?”

“We’re hitting his convoy,” August reveals. “To thin his numbers, at best, and if we get a shot on him, we’re fucking taking it. We leave in an hour. You should be here.”

My instinct is to say yes. A chance to get close to Aleksander and wipe the floor with his smug, traitorous face. Just as I consider it, water splashes and my attention drifts back to Alena as she slowly washes her hair.

I told her today was for us.

But Aleksander…

“No,” I say before I’ve even fully decided. “If it’s not a guaranteed kill, then I should be here with Alena.” The temptation continues to rise in my mind, even as I resist.

“Understood,” August replies easily. “I will keep you updated with how things go.”

“I’ll send Andrev. I can spare him, and he’s good. You’ll need him.” Plus, having my own man there eases the guilt of having August attempt this on his own, even though I know he can handle this and more.

“Appreciate it.”

“Actually, August, one more thing. I have a favor to ask.”

“Sure thing, Son. What can I do for you?”

August is receptive to my request, and after the call ends, I shift my phone onto silent, with only August or Andrev’s calls able to get through in the case of an emergency. Popping my head out the door, I fill Andrev in, and he accepts his role easily. Then I return to the bathroom where Alena greets me with a surprised smile.



“I thought maybe you were getting called away.” Alena shifts in the water, allowing me to slide into the bath behind her, then she settles back against my chest. Her water-warmed skin immediately soothes my soul.

“No. Like I told you, today is for you.”

“Is everything okay, though?” She turns to me with wide eyes and dabs some soap suds onto my chin. It’s impossible to resist the smile.