Page 110 of The Lazarov Bratva

“I don’t know,” I answer honestly. “I haven’t even thought about it, but then Alyona saw I had been unwell, and somehow, she just knew.”

“Ahh.” Nastja chuckles with a knowing smile. “She knows more than we can ever understand.” She brushes my cheek with her curled knuckle. “One thing I can assure you is that I am here for you, whatever you decide. Take the test. If it is real, then we can discuss how you feel and what you want to do. I will be right by your side, do you understand?”

Once more, Nastja astounds me. She takes so much in her stride, and here she is, delivering all the reassurance I was sure I wouldn’t find here.

“Really?” I ask softly, fighting the tears clinging to my lashes. “Even if I don’t want it?”

“If that is what you decide, then yes. Even then.” She smiles widely. “You are my sister, yes? I will support you, no matter what.”


Yes. I like that.

“And.” Nastja chuckles. “I know Kristof. I know he will be so happy to hear this. He will unfurl the flags, I am sure. But it is up to you when you tell him. And not before you are certain.”

“I’m scared to tell him. It would change so much. What if it changes the way he looks at me?” I ask.

“Oh, it will,” she replies, and my heart falls.


“Every man changes how he looks at his woman when she becomes the mother of his child. It’s natural and powerful,” she reassures me, clasping my hand in hers. “You must be strong and do what is best for you. I understand our family started in unorthodox ways, but you are our family, and every one of us will support you. Kristof included.”

Her hands squeeze mine, and I blink, allowing a few tears to fall. The tight band around my chest fades away with each breath.


Nastja says it, and it carries weight for the first time in my life. This is my family. And Kristof? How I feel for him has grown so intensely since I became his that my heart clenches with a happy ache when I picture the two of us with a child between us.

“Thank you,” I murmur.

“Take the test first, though.” Nastja chuckles. “If it is false, well, my speech still stands. That earns me points, right?”

“Yes.” I grin. “Sister points.”

“Indeed.” Nastja laughs.

Suddenly, Chek stands to attention at the bush he’s lingering near. A moment later, Kristof comes running around the corner. My heart, warmed to see him, immediately turns cold at the serious, dark look on his face.


For a moment, I fear Alyona told him and he’s here to cast me out.

“Brother?” Nastja is on her feet, but her hand remains around mine.

“Aleksander knows,” Kristof barks out tightly. “He knows Alena is here, and he’s coming to get her!”



“How?” Nastja barks at me, keeping one hand behind her on Alena.

“I have no fucking clue.”

The words escape me like a threat. At this point, they might as well be. In the days since Aleksander’s demand that I return to the US, there was an odd radio silence from the Pakhan. Part of me wanted to accept it as he was finally leaving me alone, but deep down, I knew something was wrong.

His daughter was missing, he had a sit down with the Irish Captain, and he decided to stop taking my calls?