Page 37 of The Pucking Grump

“Well, I don’t want you to go into town and get into trouble. You celebrities always have a fan in every corner. All it takes is one stupid picture on the internet for everyone to figure out where you’ve been hiding.”

Is it my imagination, or is he starting to sound like he cares?

Definitely my imagination, I tell myself as I study his scowl. He does sound nicer, and he’s actually explaining his reasons rather than barking out an order. But days of amazing sex would mellow out any guy.

He pulls me in again, burying his face in my hair, then trailing a slow kiss down my neck.

I know where this is going.

“I’m not interested in hiding anymore.” Before Blake came out to the lake three days ago and sucked me into his world of pleasure, I had thoughts of going back. Despite the haze of the recent days, I took a moment to ponder my next steps.

I look up at him, trying to focus despite the distraction.

“In fact, I’m going to grant an interview soon. A tell-all interview, where I expose my dad for being the liar he is.”

I expect Blake to criticize my plan, maybe even call it dumb. Instead, he pulls back, looking impressed.

“You sure about that?” He frowns. “I think it’s a good idea, but it still means making an enemy out of him.”

I think back to the call we had a few days ago.

“He’s always been my enemy. I just didn’t realize it before.”

He gives me a kiss, then reluctantly lets me go.

“Fine.” He focuses on folding my cuffs over my wrists. “But what happens if a townie comes up to you and moves up your coming-out date? I’m assuming the last thing you want is to be seen skulking about in a small-town store while dressed like this?”

I try my hardest to not focus on the little tingles crawling up my spine from his touch. “It’s highly unlikely anyone would recognize me if I wear a good enough disguise. I just need a hat or something. We’ll be in and out of there quickly. I’m sick of letting my father dictate my life from afar.”

He doesn’t argue. “Let’s go, then.”

Ten minutes later, I slip into the passenger seat of Blake’s car. I changed into jeans and one of the T-shirts he bought for me. Blake is dressed in the shirt I just slipped out of and a pair of slacks. His gaze is focused on the road, but just being around him is enough to restrict my breathing.

So, I try to think of other things. Like the fact that, just a week ago, I was sitting in this seat as my life turned into a wreck around me. I should still be on my honeymoon now. Somewhere in a parallel universe, maybe a version of me is enduring the monotonous sex Ben offered, safe and sound in the delusion that everything is perfect.

In this universe, my life is messy, but I like it way better.

Mostly because of the man beside me.

“Here.” Blake jerks me out of my thoughts. I look up to see him pulling in front of a convenience store. We’ve barely been driving for five minutes.

“It’s no Whole Foods,” he says. “But it does have everything you could want.”

“I’m not complaining.”

We walk in and greet the bored cashier, who’s the only other person around. Blake picks up a basket and leads me to the food aisle, which is all the way in the back.

I feel almost giddy as I follow him. Being famous means forgoing a lot of simple pleasures, including shopping for vegetables. I didn’t realize how much I’ve missed this until now. Standing in front of the pasta shelf, I’m almost shocked at the overwhelming variety.

“Are you going to make a choice?”

I look around at Blake, a small smile forming on my lips. “I don’t know if I remember how to . . . what I looked at to decide one brand over the other.” I realize I sound unbelievably entitled, but I’m glad I can be honest.

“Haven’t been grocery shopping in a while, I take it.” I’m relieved there’s no trace of mockery in his voice.

“Years,” I say. “In fact, the last memory I have of it was in a store exactly like this, near our old apartment. And I didn’t even shop. I only lurked around the book section and made out with my high school crush.”

I regret those words the moment I say them, but it’s too late. Blake’s eyes are already glimmering dangerously.