Page 62 of Shattered Darkness

“Anything?” I ask.

“Nope, pretty much just the same as you,” Asher says, sounding thoroughly disappointed.

Everyone else says the same, and it just means that we’re once again stuck.

“So, what do we do?” Cole asks.

“There’s not much that we can do if we can’t move it,” Maverick replies with a deep frown, “and we don’t want to trigger anything by trying.”

“But we also don’t want it to somehow let the Order know that we’ve found it, and then they move it,” Jax points out.

We’re all silent for a moment while we try to think of a way that we can stop the object being moved again and break the spells on it, all of them.

“Alright, so now that we know that it’s definitely in this material, maybe we should find as many books as possible on it. Surely it should say somewhere how you put spells into it, but also how you de-spell them,” Asher suggests.

“That’s a great idea, but in order to do that, we’d need access to the library, and that’s being guarded by the Order,” Cole points out.

“Fuck, you’re right,” Asher curses.

“Maybe we can get Erin to help get one of us in to get the books?” I suggest, “We’re less likely to get caught if there’s only two of us trying to sneak in and Erin and Asher are probably the best people to go since Erin can shield, and the library likes and trusts Asher.”

“That’s a good idea,” Maverick agrees, “but what do we do about making sure that it doesn’t go anywhere.”

Knot nudges my hand, “Knot and Ghost can stay here and keep watch. They’ll be able to let me know if anyone comes along to move it or even to see it, so then at least we would know if anyone is more involved with it than anything else.”

“Are they going to be comfortable leaving you?” Cole asks as he looks at Ghost and Knot, who are now shifting uneasily, “they don’t look too keen on the idea.”

“I don’t think they are, but Knot suggested it, and not only that but this is pretty important. There’s no other way that we’re going to be able to keep an eye on it,” I explain.

“Well, if they’re willing, then I think that’s probably the only way that we can do it without having some of us keep watch. Which would be incredibly dangerous.” Asher replies.

“Exactly,” I reply and then turn to Ghost and Knot, “I promise that if there’s an issue at all I will call for you and remember you got stuck outside of the academy grounds, and the temple is absolutely well and truly inside the academy grounds.”

They both nod and rub against me, giving me some love. I understand why they’re so worried, and if I’m being honest, I’m a bit anxious too. I’m not too fond of the idea of them not being able to get to me if I need them or if they need me, but this is really important, and there really isn’t another way around it.

“Stay safe, and let me know immediately if you see anyone over in this area. We can’t risk it being moved now,” I tell them.

They both nod, and Ghost flaps his giant wings, soaring up into the high domed ceiling, perching on a ledge. When he settles and stills, I can’t see him in the shadows, even though I know that he’s there. Knot nudges my hand one last time before her magic engulfs her, and she changes into her raven form and flies up into the rafters to perch next to Ghost.

“Come on, it’s way past lunch and the guys were cooking,” Cole says, “plus, we’ve run out of coffee, and maybe more importantly, we need to plan when we’re going to get into the library to find books on the material that holds the spell and how to break it.”

“Maybe more important?” Asher asks, his eyebrow raising and amusement and love dancing in his eyes as he watches Cole.

“Yes, maybe. Coffee,” Cole replies as if that’s an answer in itself.

I take one last look in the vague direction of my familiars as we all head back out of the temple.

“They’ll be fine,” Hunter reassures me as he wraps his arm around my head and drops a kiss on my forehead.

“You’ll know if they aren’t,” Jax adds as he threads his fingers through mine and then kisses the back of my hand.

“But I didn’t realize that there was anything wrong before and I still don’t know why I didn’t realise that they were missing,” I retort, not meaning to sound argumentative but worried about it nonetheless.

“Probably, something to do with the Order,” Hunter replies.

“Yeah, I guess,” I reply.

I wouldn’t say I like that I didn’t realise that something so important to me was missing, and I really hope that it was something to do with the Order and not because my magic is changing and the Darkness is growing.