Page 59 of Shattered Darkness

“Yeah, I agree, especially with the one that was found in the woods, although they might have cleared that up and any evidence by the time that the enforcers get here.” Asher points out.

“True, but it’s the least we can do to make sure that those who have lost their lives get the burials they deserve and that their families know what has happened to them,” Erin adds.

“I actually have a friend who is now an Enforcer. I should be able to get him on the communication stone so long as he’s not on a job, and he will hopefully be able to send some help our way.” Harry suggests.

“Yeah, that would be great,” Levi replies, “tell him as much as possible without letting on about the Order. We don’t want the place crawling with Enforcers. It would endanger their lives and could escalate the situation dramatically.”

“Yeah, I hadn’t thought of that, but you’re right,” Harry replies.

“Along that same line of thinking though, are we sure that calling the Enforcers in is the best thing to do? It’s going to set the Order on edge and could escalate things anyway,” Cole asks.

“It could, but I think it’s a risk we should take; not honoring the dead is something that I don’t want to do; I want to ensure that they get their peace despite the violence that ended their lives. Besides, it could work the other way, and because they’re under extra scrutiny, they could make a mistake that could help us finally end it.” Kai suggests.

“Yeah, I guess,” Levi replies, although he doesn’t sound that convinced by the idea. He then adds, “Just so that we’re all clear about what’s going on, tomorrow Harry is going to get hold of his Enforcer friend and make sure that he’s informed of what’s happened here, the two murders and the chance that the second one might have been covered up.”

“Wait,” Sage says, interrupting, “surely that would cause an issue in itself as we’re going to tell him that we told the teachers about it. Wouldn’t that be really suspicious?”

Levi frowns, “Shit, you’re right. Okay, new plan: Harry tells him about the murder in the library, the whole school knows about that, and then when Cain gets back, we can tell him about the one in the woods that stumbled across Sage’s vision and that the theory on it, and then hopefully he can decide the best way to proceed.”

“Okay, yeah, that sounds like it will work. I can do that,” Harry agrees with a nod.

“Good. The next thing that we need to do is follow Mav’s idea about materials strong enough to hold the amount of magic that would be needed to control this amount of supes for this long.” Levi continues.

This time, I interrupt him, “What was Mav’s idea?”


I had completely forgotten that they weren’t here for that part of the conversation, and Levi obviously had too, as he quickly explains Mav’s idea and the plan to find something made from the strongest material, which is, thankfully, quite rare.

It's not really surprising that Levi forgot because as soon as I had that vision, all of us went into fight mode, and since we didn’t actually get to fight, I think we all have quite a lot of unused energy in our systems. I keep looking over Jax and Hunter and just double-checking that they are really here and really okay because all I can see are the what ifs that were shown to me, and the one I followed was the only good outcome.

I don’t think I’m going to get any sleep tonight.

“Oh okay, yeah, that makes more sense,” Hunter replies, and then suggests, “Well, it is the weekend tomorrow, so we should be able to make a start at least. Are we just assuming that it's been moved from the library?”

Levi looks around at us all, “Yeah, I think it’s the most likely option. Either before they murdered Cain’s friend or when they blocked it off.”

“Okay, we can do that tomorrow then. Hopefully, we will actually make some progress with this.” I say.

“Yeah, although I don’t think I’ll let my hopes get too high,” Erin comments as she stands up, “now I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am exhausted and have cycled through some big fucking feelings this evening, so I’m going to bed before we most likely have to deal with big feelings tomorrow as well.”

“Yeah, I can second that one,” I agree.

Within minutes, everyone has said goodnight to each other and have headed back to their own rooms, and I’m curled up in bed between Hunter and Jax. I need them close tonight after what happened and everything that I saw. I’m hoping that if I have them both wrapped around me, the nightmares that I know I’m going to have are going to be not quite so bad.


I was wrong. Of course, I was wrong. My nightmares were pretty horrendous, but each time that I woke up, the guys did too, and they comforted me and reassured me that they were fine so that I could settle back to sleep. They were amazing. The cuddles from Ghost and Knot certainly helped, too and they tried their best to take the nightmares when they started, but they were too strong. I definitely appreciated that they tried though.

“Alright, remind me again, what exactly are we looking for?” I ask, sipping my giant cup of coffee as we walk the practically empty halls of the Academy.

“And what happens if a teacher comes across us?” Cole adds, sipping his equally large cup of coffee.

“We’re not breaking any rules, and we’re obviously not practicing any magic, so we should be fine,” Asher replies.

Not everyone decided to come with us. Levi and Jett stayed with Harry to hear what the Enforcer had to say, and Ty decided to stay, too. Kai, Damon, Kysen, and Dash all decided they wanted to make lunch for everyone, so they’re raiding the kitchens so they can prepare something in our rooms, and Erin, Nate, and Kyle all stayed behind too. I think it really affected her what happened last night, and I don’t believe that she’s going to let them get that far away from her, which is the same reason why I insisted that Hunter and Jax came with me today, and they readily agreed.

Mav holds up the book that he’s still combing through, and turns it around so that we can see a picture of a dark green, kind of see-through but kind of not, vase. “Okay, so I think we’re better off looking for one kind of material at a time, or it’s going to get confusing. I think this one is probably our best bet, as it’s the strongest and the most capable of holding the amount of magic that it would need to control this many supernaturals.”