Page 42 of Shattered Darkness

“I’m not telling him,” Cole blurts out, which, of course, immediately lets Cain know that there is actually something to tell him.

“Well, done,” Erin says, rolling her eyes and making them sound like bickering siblings.

Cain’s eyebrow rises as he asks, “What happened to the very rare and expensive old book that I left in your care?”

Since the other two don’t seem to be willing to say anything any time soon and are both staring at their feet, I guess that it is down to me to own up. We managed to get away with avoiding the subject for this long, so I guess we should be grateful for that much.

“We looked after it, I swear we did. I know exactly where we put it, but when we went back to look through it, it had disappeared. There’s no way that someone could have gotten in my room and taken it, and I know exactly where it was, it's like it just got up and walked away. I know that sounds crazy, and we’re really sorry.”

To my utter shock and the shock of Cole and Erin, who suddenly look up from their feet, Cain bursts out laughing.

“Shit, you had me worried then. I thought you’d sold it or something,” Cain says once he's finished laughing, “the book does that every now and then, it just disappears; it will show back up when it deems that it’s necessary.”

I sigh as my lips twitch, “You don’t think that you should’ve told us that when you gave us the book?”

Cain’s eyebrow rises again, “You don’t think that you should’ve told me as soon as you lost the book?”

“Oh, touche,” Kai says gleefully.

I can't help it, I smile, and reply, “Yeah, okay you may make a fair point.”

“Well, now that’s cleared up, we really do need to head up to bed.” Levi interrupts.

“Give me a second to get the shield up, I’m exhausted and I’ve used a lot of magic in this training session,” Erin states.

“You can pull a small amount from your Bonded to help,” Cain says, “if you take a small amount from each of them none of them will even notice.”

“Is that okay with you guys?” Erin asks her men.

All of them roll their eyes as they reply that, of course, it’s okay. I don’t miss that they also surround her. They’re worried about how far she pushed herself today and how that’s affecting her magic.

With the help of her men, she soon has the shield up around us all, and we say a quick goodbye as we make it up to the room as quickly as possible so that we’re not putting any unnecessary strain on her. With the way that everyone is pushing themselves I think it’s a damn good job that we’re only training with Cain every other day instead of every day. We’re training even harder than we usually would and I can't speak for the others, but for me especially, it’s because I have this feeling that something big is coming our way, and soon.

I know that we’re going to have a hand in taking down the Order of Kronos once and for all, but that’s a marathon, that’s not going to happen soon; I feel like there are things that have to be moved into place before that’s possible and that will take time.

As usual, I don’t know how I know that. It's just one of those things that I know.


“Do you think they’ll ever send a teacher in here?” Erin asks as we once again sit in the empty classroom.

I shake my head, “I kind of hope that they don’t, if I’m honest. Since they have gradually gotten worse, I imagine that everything that came out of their mouths would piss us off greatly, and one of us, most likely me, would snap and end up proving them right.”

Cole smirks, “Yeah, actually, you’re right. Besides, we’re learning a lot more by going through Asher’s books anyway.”

“Exactly,” I reply, “speaking of books, when are we heading back to the library to go through the artefacts?”

“This evening might be a good idea,” Erin replies, “it will be quiet, and because we’re helping it, in theory, the library should let us in without too much fuss even though it will be after hours when it’s usually shut.”

“Yeah, that’s a good idea. We’ll have to get Harry to see if Dean, Maria, and Yates are free and if they want to come to,” I suggest.

“They’ll definitely want to come. I actually think that we should start inviting them to spend more time with us anyway. I know that they don’t feel comfortable around everyone else at the moment,” Cole suggests and then adds, “You know, when we’re not doing something that would put them in immense danger or that they shouldn’t know about.”

I nod, and smile, “Yeah, I like that idea. I like them too; they’re easy to hang out with, and they’ve already helped us loads.”

Erin nods, “Yeah, that sounds good to me.”

The door to the classroom opens and I’m on my feet within seconds, readying myself for whatever is about to come through even though it's most likely just a teacher. I am always on edge at the moment.