Page 24 of Shattered Darkness

I find information on some creatures that I had no idea existed, including this massive worm thing that is definitely out of some sort of horror film.

No, thank you.

“Have you guys had any luck?” Cole asks us.

Erin shakes her head, “Nope, nothing. I haven’t even found something vaguely close to what we need.”

“I’ve found nothing relevant to what we need, but I have learned more in this last hour or so than I have in the months that we’ve been here,” I reply.

“Well, at least something good is coming out of this then,” Erin teases. “If it weren’t for the fact that I really don’t want to hurt someone innocent, I would’ve given up by now.”

“Me too,” Cole replies, scrubbing his eyes and already looking exhausted.

“Why don’t we get some snacks and then get back to it? We’ve made a reasonably good dent into our piles,” I suggest trying to be optimistic about it.

“I could eat,” Erin agrees.

While we get some snacks, I check in with the guys to make sure that they’re okay and just because they’ve asked me to.

“We’re good. We’re only in our second lesson but including the instructor that ran our training this morning,” Levi starts.

“Who wasn’t Cain, by the way,” Jax adds, interrupting.

Levi ignores him and carries on, “As I was saying, all three of our teachers so far have some sort of jewelry, either a bracelet or a necklace with the same stone in it; none of us recognize the stone, but we’re hoping that the others will have noticed the same thing and they will have recognized what kind of stone it is.”

“Okay, well, in that case, it seems that our theory was right, and there is a chance that they all are wearing something that is keeping them under the control of Kronos, although I still think that there was a main object first otherwise how would they get them all to put on the jewelry?” I ask.

“Exactly, so we still need to find the main object,” Jax agrees with me.

“Do you think that if we took the jewelry off them, they’d revert back to normal?” I ask curiously.

“I think that all depends on how close they are to the original object. I think if it was taken off outside of the school grounds, then it might, but if not, then I think there’s a very real possibility that they will still be under Kronos control.” Maverick replies, and it's clear that he’s thought about this before.

“Oh well, that’s a shame. It would have made the issue easier to deal with if we could just take off their jewelry, and they’d go back to normal,” I reply.

“It would’ve, although nothing is ever that easy,” Hunter replies.

“No, it’s not,” I reply.

“What about you? Have you guys found the spell?” Kai asks, hope in his tone.

“Nope, and we’ve gone through a lot of books already. Hopefully, it won’t be too much longer until we can find the right one,” I reply, and you can hear the defeat in my tone despite my optimistic words.

“It’s not long until lunch when we bring it back to the room we can all help out too, and if we still haven’t found it by the evening, we can all carry on helping, we’ll get through it a lot quicker with all of us looking,” Hunter suggests.

“Yeah, that would actually be really helpful,” I reply. “Also, please bring all the food, I am starving.”

I actually feel like I haven’t eaten for days, and that’s ridiculous because I’ve been eating really well. But then again, if my magic has increased in strength in reaction to the threat of Kronos, then I’d assume that my food intake will as well in order to keep up my energy to make magic. I actually read somewhere that young supes often experience a jump in appetite when their power grows, or they have a growth spurt, so it makes sense. Apparently, it eventually evens back out again, and their appetite will go back to normal.

“Of course, we’ll leave you to it,” Levi replies, “Love you.”

I say I love you too and get a plethora of replies before the Bond Lines go quiet again, and they go back to their lessons.

“Is everyone okay?” I ask Cole and Erin as we take our snacks back to the places where we were sitting and settle back in.

“Yeah, the guys noticed some sort of jewelry on each of their teachers with the same stone, but they don’t recognize it,” Erin replies.

“My guys noticed the same,” I say.