Page 45 of Shattered Darkness

“But that also brings up the question of why they’re attacking us in a roundabout way instead of just coming at us?” Kai questions making a very good point and one that I have thought about before.

It would make sense for them to attack us now. I mean, in theory, the Order has control of the school, and they could relatively easily make a move against us.

“I know the answer to that,” Maria says when no one else offers any explanation.

“Oh?” Erin questions.

“Well, yeah. At least I think I do, we learn about it in village school, which are the schools that we attend before we go to one of the academies.” She starts to explain, and I see the realization dawn on Yates and Dean.

“Oh shit, you know, I think you’re probably right.” Dean agrees while Yates nods along.

“Exactly. So, Centres are almost, I guess, sacred is the right word. The Fae Realm takes personal offense if one is killed, and it can throw off the balance of not only this world but all of them if a Centre is killed when it’s not their time. Because of that, very few people are willing to take the risk of ending a Centres life.” She explains.

“Which is why all of those captured Centres were alive, or at least the majority of them were still alive,” I say, as I make the realisation.

“That and I imagine that they wanted to use their magic. So long as they don’t drain it enough to kill them, then using them like a magical battery is possible, and I imagine that the Order got a lot of power that way. Since all of the rescued Centres left the academy so quickly, I'm assuming that no one had the chance to talk to them and find out exactly what happened.” Yates points out.

“Well, they spoke to the Realm’s Warriors, but there’s no way that we can access any of that information. None of them would really talk to us about what happened there, and they were all so traumatized by their experience that none of us wanted to push it,” I explain.

“That’s understandable,” Maria replies, with a heavy frown and sadness in her green eyes, “I don’t imagine that they’ll be able to talk about it for a long time.”

“So, that’s why they aren’t coming at us head-on and are essentially trying to get someone else to kill us off,” Damon says, trying to get us back on track. “I think we should go and find Cain before we head to the library.”

“Yeah, we need to know what he thinks about it,” Levi agrees. He looks at Maria, Dean, and Yates, “Would it be okay with you guys if we meet you at the library in, say, twenty minutes?”

They all nod with a smile, not at all bothered that they aren’t coming with us. Which I’m grateful for because I really like them. Although we have been relatively free with the way that we speak around them, I agree with Levi that the discussion we need to have with Cain needs to remain private. He knows things about the Goddess and about the Order that he may not be able to share in front of Dean, Maria, and Yates.

“Yeah, that’s absolutely fine with me. I actually need to grab the papers that I was working through for the artifacts anyway,” Yates says.

“Oh yeah, I forgot that I’d need that,” Maria adds.

Everyone gets up and heads to the door. As I open it though, I look back over my shoulder and ask, “Erm, how are we going to find Cain? I have no idea where he normally hangs out.”

“I don’t think you need to worry about that,” Cole smirks as he nods toward the door, and I turn around to see Cain standing there, smiling but his eyes holding worry.

“And that’s our cue to leave. We’ll see you in twenty by the library,” Maria says, and then adds with a fond smile at Dean, “We may be slightly late because I’d be willing to bet that Dean has forgotten where he put his artifact sheet.”

“I did not,” Dean replies, although none of us are convinced.

Asher claps him on the shoulder, “Don’t worry dude, I can just print you off some more.”

“Thank fuck,” Dean mutters, making us all laugh as they wave goodbye.

Cain walks into the room, closing the door behind himself, “Did you hear? I had no idea that there was an assembley and actually, the only way I found out was listening to some students.”

“Yeah, Maria and the guys just told us,” Jax replies.

He smiles, “They’re good kids. You can trust them.”

The way he says it is like he knows something that we don’t, but then he does that so often that I’m not even going to bother trying to ask him what he means or if he can elaborate.

“So, what do we do?” Levi asks, his giant arms crossed over his chest.

Cain sighs, “I think for now that it would be best if we put our training on hold, I don’t want to risk any of us getting caught or having to fight our way out and then becoming wanted. That would make the future more complicated than it already is.”

That one I decide I can’t let go, “You said that almost as if you know what our future holds.”

I don’t pose it as a question, and Cain, in typical Cain fashion, just smiles at me and doesn’t confirm or deny anything, which is the reason why I don’t bother asking him when he comes out with shit like that.