I used a few hacking tools to gain unauthorized access to the security system, but that bounced back in my face like I’d been slapped.
“What the fuck was that?” Nikolai stuck his head over my shoulder and peered at the screen. “Sounded a lot like access denied.”
“It was,” Maxim groaned but tried not to show his disappointment.
I felt that anchor again, pulling me down with each dive, but I didn’t want to give up. We could keep our heads afloat if I tried a little bit harder. “I can send an encrypted message, and let’s see if we get anything from that.”
I didn’t wait for a response. To cover my tracks and maintain anonymity, I used virtual private networks and proxy servers to conceal my real IP address. There was no way they could trace any suspicious activity back to me. I sent the encrypted message, and a pregnant balloon of silence fell in the room as we waited patiently—and for freaking long minutes—for any form of response for them.
After one painful hour, we knew we had nothing. The men rose up, one after the other, and I felt like I let them down.
“So much for trying.” The venom in Viktor’s tone stung. I knew it wasn’t directed at me. He was only pissed that we couldn’t figure out what my father was planning behind the scenes. But it rubbed me in the worst way possible, and hot tears stung the back of my eyes.
Maxim kissed my head. “You gave it your best. Don’t worry, we’ll catch the bastard.”
Later that night, I watched the silver moonlight caress Ryan and Daylan as they slept.
“They’re so beautiful.”
A small smile touched my lips, and I turned around. Maxim leaned against the door with a poker face and a hand in his pockets. He stared right through me like his mind was in a distant place. “Like their father.”
He scoffed. “You think I’m beautiful?”
I rose from the bed, smoothened the sheets, and walked up to him. His arms snaking around my waist was an automatic response. I nuzzled my face in his neck and whispered, “Have I never told you that before?”
His fingers traveled through my hair, and he inhaled deeply before pulling back so my eyes met his. A dark, clouded gaze sent chills down my spine. “What I’m feeling right now is far from beautiful.”
I didn’t need further words. I knew. “I’m scared, Maxim.” I glanced at our boys curled up on the sheets, sleeping peacefully. “I’m worried about all of this getting to—”
The strong grip on my chin cut the rest of my words off. His brought my eyes back to his, and the dark look was replaced with something even fiercer. “I’ll protect you and the boys with all I have. I swear it to you, Gianna.”
Chapter 22 - Maxim
One time, she asked me to show her the combat room or take her to the gym. She wanted to train for the war, she said. I shunned it, ignored it even, and opted to kiss her until she forgot she had asked a question. The thought wasn’t absurd. It was pretty great, on the contrary. I trained with her and taught her some skills until I remembered why she wanted to learn how to fight in the first place.
We knew what was coming, and we knew it was coming fast. Not knowing Paul’s hideout or being able to decipher his plans meant we couldn’t detect his next steps. That put me on the fucking edge every single minute of every passing day until I felt the tension rolling off my shoulders, literally.
Frustrated, I pulled the trigger repeatedly and didn’t hear her soft pleas until her hand—so small in comparison to mine—covered mine and stopped the bullets from firing one after the other into the miserable paper dummy at the other end of the room.
I jerked, startled, and turned to look at her. “Were you saying something?”
She was so beautiful. Sometimes, it hurt to physically look at her.
She laughed and let my hand go. “The question should be, ‘What have I not been saying?’ Since we came in here, you’ve stayed glued to the gun like you were married to it.” She picked a silver Glock from the rack and wiggled it in the air, subtly inspecting the chambers. “I think I’m jealous.”
Her tone was playful, but I heard the truth in her voice.
Today was one of those days when she’d persuaded me to teach her how to fight. We’d come to the training room together, but I’d become more interested in the gun range. The rage burning in my chest snuffed out like wind to a flame.
I dropped my gun and took off the headphones. “You shouldn’t be.” She returned the Glock and eyed me when I took her hand and led her out of the room. “I forget myself sometimes when I’m holding those things.”
“Or you’re still pissed that you can’t find my dad.”
Pissed was the understatement of the year. I was so fucking mad. Their lives were in constant danger, and I couldn’t do anything except wait for him to strike first. But I didn’t want to give her any more reasons to worry. I’d already promised to protect them with my life, and I planned on keeping my word.
“Let’s do something...” I left her side and walked to the center of the room, spreading my arms. “I want us to focus on the reason we’re here. And that’s what?”