Page 153 of One Wrong Move


The phone keeps ringing in my hand. Decisions, decisions.

I hit accept. “Hey.”

Harper fluffs up a pillow and slides both arms under it. Settles in and looks at me.

“Nate,” my father says. His voice is curt. “One of the reasons why we sent you to London was to build relationships with European suppliers.”

My eyes are on Harper. “That wasn’t the reason I moved to London.”

A brief pause. “What? Of course it was.”

“I suggested the move.”

“Yes, well, it was for the explicit purpose of you handling European deals. I don’t need to remind you how important Knudsen’s network would be for our?—”

“No. You don’t need to remind me. I’m aware.”

“I tried to speak to Alec about this, but he wasn’t having it,” Dad says. There’s angry frustration in his voice. It’s been there for the past six months, ever since Alec had blown up at Dad at Thanksgiving. Almost half a year of the two of them having a strained businesslike relationship.

Although was it ever not strained? Not businesslike?

“I’ve already discussed this with Alec. There’s no need for you and me to go through it, too.”

He snorts on the other line. “Yes, there is. I want the reason, and I want to hear it from you.”

“Knudsen’s nephew is likely a scam artist and a fraud. I wouldn’t endorse him as a legitimate art dealer by purchasing from him, and Knudsen didn’t handle the news well.”

“Okay. But what was the real reason?”

“I just gave it to you.”

Dad barks out my name like it’s a curse. “Why the fuck would we care? Throw the nephew some money, pat his head, and then shake Knudsen’s hand!”

I can’t look away from Harper. She’s staring at me through long lashes and digging her teeth into her lower lip.

Listening to this entire conversation.

“It wasn’t right. And wouldn’t look good in the long run.”

“That’s the attitude of a pussy,” Dad says. His voice is heavy with scorn. “You know Contron needed that contract. Alec needed it.”

“He doesn’t need it. He wanted it. There’s a difference,” I say sharply. “Alec and I have already discussed other potential leads to fulfill what Knudsen offered. None of this will be a problem. And no offense, Dad, but I don’t report to you. I report to Alec.”

Dad makes a sound most similar to bah. He starts speaking again, but this time I cut him off.

“I have to go. It’s midday here, and I have things to do.”

“Right. Well, I hope one of them is repairing this damage.”

“Goodbye, Dad.”

I put my phone on silent and toss it across the room, onto the couch in the corner. It hits the soft cushions with a dull thud.

Harper makes a sympathetic sound. “He’s angry?”
