Page 112 of One Wrong Move

“Well, sorry to say it, but that practically makes him Crypt Keeper. Ancient news. Far, far too old for me to be interested in.”

The corners of Nate’s mouth tip up, and his eyes twinkle. “Is that so?”

“Yes. It would be like kissing a corpse.”

“Kissing a corpse,” he repeats and steps closer. I shiver at the nearness. “Funny you’d say that, Harp. What does that make you?”

“I’ve never kissed Austin Silver,” I breathe.

“No. And you never will,” he says. “But you have kissed me.”

My breath catches. “Have I? I can barely remember.”

His eyes flash in amusement, and then he grabs my hand. Pulls me through the crowd. I hurry to stay in step. My beautiful green dress is flared around my legs, but it only starts to widen at my thighs, and I can’t keep up with his long strides.

“Where are we going?”

“I have one final accessory for you. To complete the outfit,” he says. He weaves by a group of laughing people near the exit to a hallway leading to the restrooms. When we make our way through, he looks at the signage until he finds one that has a discreet staff only written on it.

He opens the door like he owns the place.

It’s a janitorial closet, and Nate pulls me inside before shutting the door firmly behind us.

My heart is pounding in exhilaration. “I think we’re going to get busted,” I say. “In five, four, three…”

He shakes his head and turns so his back is to the door, blocking anyone from opening it. “We’re not,” he says. With nothing but a dim overhead light, his eyes glint. “So you don’t remember kissing me, do you?”

Ever so slightly, I shake my head. “Almost not at all.”

“I think you’re lying,” Nate says, his large hand finding my waist. He pulls me to him until the silk of my dress scrunches against his tux. “But I’ll remind you, just in case.”

His mouth hovers over mine for a single delicious second. Then, he makes contact, and my eyes flutter closed. Oh. He kisses me with warm lips, practiced movements, and his arms circle my waist.

Without the irrational anger that we both felt the night of his party…

I melt against him. He’s good at this, at these slow, deep, powerful kisses that entirely rob me of my breath. Liquid heat pours down from the press of his lips, spreading through my limbs. Pooling in my stomach.

Nate moves a hand to cup my face. His tongue runs along my lower lip, and I open on instinct. He deepens the kiss, and I rake my fingers through his hair, twisting, tightening my grip.

He groans into my mouth.

“Harper,” he murmurs against my lips. “Tell me you want an adventure tonight.”

I rise up on my tiptoes. Brush my mouth over his jaw. “I want an adventure tonight.”

He groans again and releases his hold on me. But his eyes tell me this is far from over. “Good,” he mutters and reaches inside his tux jacket. “I have one final accessory for you, baby.”

I stare at the small velvet pouch in his hand. My mind feels blank. Matching earrings? What is this?

But then, he empties the contents onto his palm, and everything inside me tightens. It’s a small silicon toy.

Bulbous on one end, with a small elongated piece that curves…

“Oh my God,” I whisper.

Nate’s smile flashes, and there’s pure heat in his eyes. He sinks to his knees before me and reaches for the hem of my dress, slowly pushing it up—baring my lower legs. My knees. My thighs.

“I’m going to punish you for calling me old,” he says. I reach down and grab the thick mass of my dress, helping him pull it over my hips. A fierce blush is spreading over my chest and neck, and my breaths are coming out hard. Like I’ve been running.