“You’ll love it.”

His smile was so infectious that I couldn’t help but return it. I trusted he knew what he was doing and I could let him lead for a bit.

Jace did that a lot—took the pressure of having to know something. He wasn’t as domineering as Cruz, but he exuded a self-assuredness that calmed me in a different way. Jace and I had a lot of the same energy, but where I felt like a chaotic wave battering against a shore most of the time, Jace was a soft pulse of peace.

The top of the structure came into view which was basically a wooden treehouse surrounded by tall trees. A man and woman smiled at us, and I realized we hadn’t run into anyone else the whole time. Was this not a popular place, or had Jace done something?

Before I could ask, Jace exchanged words with the couple, making me feel lost, not knowing the language. Jace beamed at them, joking as he talked with them, and I found it exciting to watch even if I didn’t know what was being said. You could read a lot of it in their body language. He wrapped an arm around me, smiling as he peered into my eyes.

“It’s Everly’s first time.”

“Very good. We’ll take care of you, Miss Everly,” the man said, his words heavily accented.

I listened intently as they reviewed the safety protocol and hooked us to the harness. They strapped our belongings into an enclosed bag along with my sandals, so they wouldn’t fall off over the forest floor. Jace hooked it to him as they latched the last piece on me.

“Ready?” he asked from behind me. I couldn’t turn with the helmet, but I nodded and took a deep breath.

The next second we were flying, and I let out a whoop of laughter as we flew across the line, our bodies extended high above the trees. Nature flew by, the view incredible as we zipped through it. I threw my arms out as I shouted, giggling as adrenaline pumped through me. Jace’s arms surrounded me, and I could feel his breath on my neck.

“Amazing? Isn’t it?” he asked.


The end came all too soon, and I bent my legs like the instructor had shown me as the beach came into view. Another man was waiting and grabbed us as we slowed. He laughed and said something I didn’t understand. Jace did, though, and answered back, laughing.

“He said you were a natural and have a beautiful laugh,” he told me as the man unhooked our harness.

“Oh. Thank you,” I said, and he nodded, smiling.

Once we were free and all the equipment recovered, the man took it and handed Jace our belongings and a cooler. He then walked to a vehicle and waved goodbye before he sped off.

“Where are the rest of the people?” I asked, my throat a little sore from screaming.

“People?” Jace asked, taking my hand and leading me over.

“Yeah. Other tourists? Natives? I don’t know. Just people.”

“It’s just us, Firecracker.” He smiled at me, a hint of vulnerability in his eyes.

“Oh. Okay.”

“You’re not disappointed?”

“Why would I be?” I asked.

Instead of answering, Jace picked up his pace and pulled me around a corner. I stopped when the beautiful sight came into view, blinking as I took it in. A majestic waterfall fell from the trees we’d just been in, and a small pool with rocks and a beach surrounding it. It was stunning and took my breath away.

“We get to swim in there?” I asked, convinced it was only to look at. It was too pretty.

“If we want to. First, let’s eat. I had them pack us a lunch.”

“When did you have time to do all of this?” I asked, amazed at the date he’d sneakily prepared.

“Before we left,” he said, his cheeks pinking.

“It’s very sweet. Thank you. I don’t think I’ve ever been on a date quite this fun before.”

Jace’s smile grew as he spread out a blanket and pulled out food and drinks. Our conversation was light as we got to know one another and ate, and I recalled the things he’d listed in the binder, or lack thereof.