Instead of letting him initiate the touch, I started my own teasing onslaught as the day progressed. Pressing my ass into him when I turned to the waiter. Leaning against him and brushing his cock when I reached for something on the table. Letting my hand linger on his arm, thigh, and butt any time I could as we walked from one thing to the next. I even stole the remote from his pocket and used it on Everly at lunch; her silent orgasm at the table was enough to make my cock hard.
But through it all, Cruz only smirked like he thought I was a misbehaving toddler having a cute tantrum. Kieran had watched us at lunch, his eyes heated, the only indication that what I was doing had some effect. The sexual tension between Cruz and me was thick, and I’d become desperate for some response from him—both sexually and emotionally. Being vulnerable didn’t come naturally to me, and it scared me more than I wanted to admit.
Taking a seat in the back row of the small theater, I slumped down in my chair and rested my head on my hand. I was pouting, and I knew it, but I couldn’t seem to stop myself. I’d never been denied so much in my life, and it was upsetting. A video started on the screen, and I knew I couldn’t sit there and listen. If Cruz didn’t want me, I’d do something else.
Standing, I made my way toward the exit when an arm reached out and gripped me, pulling me into a door I hadn’t seen. The room was dark, the projector playing the video the only light. There wasn’t much in the room, just a monitor, chair, and projector across the front and a cot along the back.
Cruz stood before me; his body inches from mine as he hovered over me. His pupils were blown as he stared down at me, his arm braced over my head on the door.
“Giving up already, Meu Dengo? I thought you wanted to play?” he purred, his lower half pressing into mine. Anger surged in me, feeling like he’d led me on all day. I narrowed my eyes, and my jaw clenched as I pushed back against him.
“There’s your fire. You’re so quick to burn but then retreat when something doesn’t catch fire. I’m not like the others who use you, Meu Dengo. I’m not going to flame out and flutter away like ashes.”
“What are you then? Because you seem like one of those ready-to-go logs that burn bright and hot instantly but are full of chemicals and bad for you.”
“So needy,” he growled, nipping my lip again. I’d never been called that in my life, and I hated how he saw the truth of everything I did—my need to feel accepted and valued, to feel loved.
“The only thing bad for you is your own fear, Meu Dengo. I’m an eternal flame, and I’m not going anywhere. So accept that and beg because that’s the only way you’re getting anything from me.”
I swallowed, my breath quickening as wanton need pumped through me. I’d never wanted to give in so badly before. The release his eyes promised was calling to me, and I didn’t have it in me to ignore it any longer. Cruz was right. He’d been nothing but solid, waiting for me to drop my act with him. If I ran away, if I gave up, then I’d be the one proving to myself I didn’t believe I was worth it.
Me. Not anyone else.
What was it Everly had said? It was the perfect time for a healthy girl era. Maybe I needed to take a page from her book. Time to put my heart out there. If Kieran and Everly could do it, then so could I.
“Please, Gato,” I begged, my eyes sparking with desire. “I need you to take care of me.”
Cruz’s mouth crashed into mine, desire and lust filling me fully as he took control of the kiss and led me where I precisely needed to be. Every neuron in my brain fired as all the nerve endings exploded in my body as I gave way to the tight restraint I held. Cruz held me firmly, keeping his promise to hold his ground and give me the support I needed.
“More. Please. I’m begging.”
“Hearing you beg is the sexiest thing, Meu Dengo. I’m so hard at the thought of taking your sweet little ass. But first, I need to prep you. I have a present for you. Turn around.”
Quicker than I thought I could move, I’d turned around and dropped my shorts, so ready for whatever Cruz had for me. My cock was possibly the hardest it had ever been, leaking at the thought of this man touching it. He growled into my neck, licking the skin and then sucking it between his teeth before letting it go. His hands smoothed over my bare skin, and he squeezed my ass.
“Look at how good you’re rewarded when you follow directions, Meu Dengo. There’s only room for one brat in this quad, and we both know Everly has that market covered. I don’t expect you to become submissive entirely, Jace. That’s not you. You almost have as much big dick energy as me. But when we’re together, just the two of us, that’s when you can submit. I’ll take care of you, Meu Dengo. I promise.”
“I trust you, Gato. Truly, I want this. I never knew how much I needed it until you threatened to bottom me.”
He chuckled, his hands reaching around to stroke me. My eyes fluttered closed as I let out a breathy moan. My legs shook as I pressed my hands into the door to keep myself upright. He kept placing kisses on my neck, occasionally sucking the area and then moving on to a new spot.
When I first felt the cold liquid on my backside, I tensed until I realized what it was. Cruz cooed in my ear, squeezing my cock and returning my focus to the pleasure coursing through me. His finger pressed in, the sensation unexpected as he stretched me, pumping in shallowly at first until I opened up more. By the time he’d inserted a second finger, my balls were drawing up tight as tingles raced up my spine. When he hit that magic button inside me, I was done for, my orgasm cresting over me, and I came so hard my legs gave out. It was only Cruz’s body pressing into mine that kept me standing.
“Porra, Meu Dengo. Te adoro,” Cruz whispered, his mouth kissing me between words. “You’re so free when you submit to me, Jace. It was so beautiful to watch. Thank you.”
His words had been soft, but I picked up on some of their meaning.
“Isn’t porra cum?” I asked, my brain offline for the moment. Cruz chuckled, his lips smiling against my skin.
“It can be, or like, a softer version of fuck. You decide how I use it.”
He pulled back, and I realized there was pressure now in my ass as the blood returned to my brain. I tensed and then moaned as I connected the dots of what it was.
“You put a plug in me,” I gasped, my cock already hardening at the thought.
“It’s how you’ll be ready for me later. Plus, I owed you a punishment.”
“Punishment?” I asked, turning and finding him ready with something to clean me up. He was so gentle and caring that it brought a tear to my eye. Had I ever been cared for so delicately before? I knew Kieran cared for me, and we looked after one another, but it didn’t feel the same. This was intentional, his soul showing mine that I mattered. It was almost as good as the orgasm.