So offer me the opportunity to wake up between two gorgeous men with their dicks hard against my back, and I visualized morning blow jobs, cowgirl rides, and maybe even a trip to the Eiffel Tower as my wake-up call protocol.

What I did not expect was to wake up alone, the bed empty, and not a dick in sight. It really wasn’t the one-bed scenario I’d envisioned.

Even worse… I’d somehow been forced to endure the parts of fucking I usually avoided by making like a tree and leaving after the bump and grind.

I didn’t cuddle.

I didn’t sleep over.

And I most definitely didn’t do the morning after breakfast.

Except now, apparently, I did all of that. I had all the parts of being in a relationship I hated without the fun of getting stuffed with a cock bit.

Lame. I wanted a refund.

“Why are you pouting, Meu Tudo?” Cruz asked, taking a bite of his pancake.

“She’s been mumbling about cuddling being the detriment to America’s sex drive,” Jace added, smirking around his cup of coffee.

“Tell me I’m wrong. I’ve done more cuddling in the past three days than I have fucked. And the only difference between then and now… cuddling. Point made.”

I dropped my hands like I’d just set off a bomb. The guys snickered, shaking their heads at me. Kieran’s cheeks flushed, and he cleared his throat as he played with his fork.

“I was wondering if you’d want to spend the day with me, Everly.”

“Oh. Um. Yes, I’d love to. What would you like to do?” I asked, suddenly feeling excited and dancing in my seat.

“You mentioned you were interested in snorkeling, so I thought we could do that if you were still willing.

“Yes. Absolutely!” I bounced a little more.

“Perfect. Can you be ready in twenty?”

Freezing, I realized then that Kieran wasn’t dressed in his usual suit but a soft tee and board shorts. His freckles were on display, and his soft hair was light against his legs and arms. How did he look just as delicious in this as he did in a suit? So not fair.

My body buzzed excitedly as the thought of doing something new and spending the day with Kieran raced through me, each one battling for dominance. I quickly ate the rest of my breakfast and ran back to the cabin so I could change.

Okay, it was a fast walk.

Running led to chaffing and I hadn’t applied my cream yet.

Lathering myself in sunscreen first, I wiggled into a comfortable and bright two-piece swimsuit and covered it with a strapless butterfly romper. Sliding my feet into a pair of sandals, I tossed everything I might need into my straw bag, pulled on my sunglasses, and rushed out the door.

“Have fun, Firecracker. And be gentle with him. He’s not as tough as he appears,” Jace whispered, kissing me on the cheek. He’d been waiting for me outside the door.

Nodding, I squeezed his hand and rushed to meet Kieran, who was waiting for me at the front of the boat. He smiled when I neared, and the butterflies from my romper came to life, soaring in my heart. I didn’t know how I’d missed it, but Kieran was far more dangerous than Cruz or Jace.

With them, I expected their sexual swagger and knew how to handle it, keeping them on their toes just as much as they gave. Kieran, on the other hand, was a total surprise. His quiet energy snuck up on you, overtaking you before you knew what was happening. Add in the soul connection we had with our music, and he had an unfair advantage of taking up residence in my heart permanently.

Kieran took my hand, again shocking me with his forwardness. He no longer jumped at my touch; if anything, I was the one who now got goosebumps every time he offered affection.

Since the night he’d told me he was Phantom, we’d spent time each day getting to know one another better. It was innocent and fun, and I think it gave us both that first love experience you had in high school. Everything felt new and exciting with him. We’d only held hands and kissed, but it felt right for our relationship—even if my vagina was going crazy and threatened to hold up signs stating “open for business” soon.

But that could all change today.

“Sorry I fell asleep on you last night,” he said as we walked down the dock.

“It’s fine. I did it to you the night before.” I giggled and squeezed his hand. “There’s a lot going on each day. Plus, you seem to be up extremely early.”