It had been almost twenty-four hours since I’d last seen him, and I realized right at this second that I’d missed him a lot. It had been dumb to run away, pushing everything I felt aside. Especially since I’d hurt him in the process, and Kieran didn’t deserve that.

He was the sweetest man I’d ever met, and I wasn’t owed an explanation to his secrets until he was ready to share them. I knew it hadn’t been malicious, yet I’d acted like he’d purposely held something from me. And if I was honest with myself, I’d felt a connection I couldn’t explain from the second we met. Being scared wasn’t an excuse to hurt someone, though; I had to do better.

Grinning, I stepped up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He tensed, his arms hesitant as he lifted them and squeezed me back. I tilted my head to look at him, needing him to know I was sorry for bailing.

“Hey, Meerk. I missed you today.”

His body melted at my words, and a warm smile spread across his face. “I missed you too, Mo Chuisle. You look radiant, lass.”

My lips pulled up in the brightest smile possible, my heart soaring at his words. I could pretend I was faking this all I wanted, but everything about how I felt toward Kieran was real, and there was no doubt it was the same for him.

Companion Rule #10—sometimes, you just have to throw out the rule book.

Reaching up, I placed my palms on his cheeks and pulled his face closer to mine. The kiss was soft and innocent but meant so much to me. I was officially claiming Kieran and jumping in. His cheeks had small dots of red when he drew back, his eyes blinking at me like he was trying to determine if I was real. It was a nice feeling, my heart echoing as it flopped in my chest.

Kieran squeezed me for a second before he turned to the table, his arm draping around my back. It felt so natural, and I knew it was our bond snapping fully into place. The same energy that crackled between us on stage was now a soft pulse between us. I’d been so in denial that I hadn’t seen what was right before me.

“Everly, I’d like to introduce you to the Dotsons and Woodards. Everyone, this is my girlfriend, Everly.”

Kieran appeared calmer and more confident tonight, and I didn’t know if that was because things between us had shifted or something else, but I was here for it. His thumb moved back and forth on my hip, grazing my bare skin. Goosebumps broke out, and I smiled as I tried to focus on the people before me, but my body had other plans.

Kieran scooted me in again, his gentlemanly way such a turn-on. I never thought it would be, but I loved how precious Kieran made me feel. The dinner continued like last night, but I was too dazed to focus on the food or conversation. Now and then, I would join in on a topic, then retreat back as they carried on. Thankfully, these investors seemed to be more interested in Kieran than his love life; which let me stay on the periphery of the conversation as I soaked in this new feeling of bravery.

As the dinner progressed, exhaustion coated me, and it became harder and harder to hold back the yawns. Kieran glanced over at one point, concern etched on his face as he observed me.

“You okay?” he asked, turning toward me and smoothing his hand over my shoulder. He was still hesitant at times to initiate touch, but I loved that he was getting more comfortable each time.

“Just tired. Spent a lot of time in the sun,” I said, instead of the fact his friend had dicked me so good he’d worn out my body.

“I’ll see you all later,” he immediately said.

“Oh, no. We don’t have to go,” I argued, but it was useless. Kieran had already stood and pulled out my chair. “It was lovely meeting you,” I said as I waved, slipping my hand into Kieran’s. He steered me out of the dining room before I could do anything else. I glanced over my shoulder but didn’t see the guys, wondering where they’d gone. Kieran noticed my glance and filled it in for me.

“There’s some event tonight Jace wanted to go to. I’m usually roped into it, but Cruz volunteered to go with him, which means I get the night off for once.”

Kieran’s cheeks pinked, and his eyes darted to me, like he was nervous and wanted to make sure I was still there. The grumpy man I’d met that first day no longer existed. He might be a bit mercurial to others, but I knew it was only because he saved his best for the ones he cared about.

I dealt with my fears by overreaching, acting as if nothing bothered me so I could prove I was untouchable. I appeared open but kept people at arm’s length. Kieran did the opposite, putting up a front to keep people away to start with, allowing only a select few in.

We could learn a little from each other.

“So, what did you,” I yawned, “want to do?” I asked, yawning again.

Kieran glanced at me, his thumb sweeping back and forth on my palm. “I told Cruz I’d take Buns out for a quick walk. Could we just chill after? I want the opportunity to get to know you more, Everly.”

“I’d love that,” I said. My cheeks heated, and I giggled, feeling like a teenager with their first crush.

Kieran changed out of his suit into a pair of black joggers, an old t-shirt, and his infamous black hoodie before walking across the hall to get Buns. I slipped out of my dress and into one of the pajama sets. It was rose gold and looked great against the little bit of sun I’d gotten today. I removed my makeup and brushed my teeth, then climbed into bed. I flipped on the TV for some noise and made myself comfortable.

That was a mistake. I fell asleep within minutes, barely even waking when Kieran returned and kissed my cheek.




When I first realized there was only one bed between the three of us, I assumed it would play out much differently than it had—especially me being me. I liked sex and didn’t shy away from it.