Page 57 of One Month's Notice

Feeling slightly better, Nat returned to the office and left Jamie at his desk, buried once more in the world of code. The Spinigma representatives would be arriving soon, and she needed to be ready to greet them, no matter how much her mind was elsewhere. Pulling out her phone, she fired a quick text to Simon as she walked towards the bathroom.

How’s it going in court? Any news?

She opened a small, tatty make-up bag and pulled out a face compact and lip gloss. She applied the powder, dabbing gently against her cheeks, forehead, and nose to take away the shine. A thin layer of gloss was just enough to add a hint of colour, and she pressed her lips together. She wiped under her eyes where a few flecks of mascara had settled and made a mental note to throw it away and buy a new one. It had been lurking around in the depths of her bag for far longer than she could remember. She took a deep breath and prepared herself for what was going to be a stressful afternoon.

The response came just as she reached the lobby. Simon’s message was brief but positive.

Evidence presented well. Waiting to be called back in. Will update ASAP.

A small flutter of hope stirred in Nat’s chest. Maybe they had a fighting chance after all. She slipped the phone back into her pocket and pasted on a professional smile, ready to face what lay ahead.

Nat hovered by the door of the conference room as the representatives from Spinigma filed in. Steve, Karen, Malik, and Poppy were dressed in designer suits and their stiff nods exuded an air of arrogance and importance. She caught glimpses of silk ties and polished brogues, the air thick with expensive cologne and the scent of ambition. Their formality was a far cry from the casual dinner they shared less than two weeks ago.

Steve was the last to take his seat. The room settled into an expectant hush, the prelude to decisions that could alter the course of the company. Nat lingered at the edge of the room, waiting until everyone was there before she sat down.

Michael started the meeting, welcoming everyone to the company offices and running through the items they would be covering that afternoon. Nat focused on making detailed notes, the perfect excuse to avoid eye contact with both Michael and Clara. Time was passing too quickly and they were heading closer to the formal signing. Nat slid her phone from her pocket and tapped out a message to Simon.

The meeting is well under way. Any news?

She placed the phone in her lap before returning to her notes. Moments later, her phone buzzed against her thigh.

Just been called in. Need another 10 mins. Stall them.

Her mind raced, considering her options. It was Clara who unwittingly offered one up with a dismissive glance at her empty coffee cup.

“Let’s move onto the next item.” As always, Clara was keen to keep the momentum going.

“Actually, we’ve been here a while,” Nat said. “I’m sure our guests would welcome a short comfort break while I arrange another round of refreshments. How does that sound?”

A few heads nodded in agreement.

“Fine,” Clara said, letting out an impatient sigh. “But make it quick.”

“Of course.” Nat smiled politely and offered to show people where they could find the toilets.

Nat’s fingers fumbled with the filter as she set up the coffee machine in the kitchen. The office sounds around her faded into a dull hum. Every ounce of her attention was fixed on her phone, willing it to vibrate with the news she was waiting for. Finally, it came. The message blinked back at her from the screen.

Judge agreed. Check email for public announcement.

Swift and overwhelming relief flooded her body. She hurried to her laptop and logged into her email, fingers trembling as she hit the keys. There it was—the official statement that would be released that afternoon. She sent the document to the printer and then messaged Jamie. With the freshly brewed jug of coffee in one hand and a tray of assorted cold drinks in the other, she left the kitchen.

The conference room door opened with a gentle push from her shoulder and Nat stepped inside. She felt Clara’s eyes on her, but Nat ignored her, focusing instead on steadying her shaking hands.

“Here we are.” She set down the tray and began distributing the cups. Jamie appeared beside her and pressed a sheet of paper in her hand. He winked at her, then slipped out of the room. Nat placed the document on the table before taking her seat, feeling every gaze shift to what was lying innocuously among the glass coasters and leather-bound notebooks.

“What’s this?” Michael’s eyes flicked curiously towards the page.

“I thought this might be relevant to our discussions.”

She settled back into her chair and watched as Michael began to read. He looked up at her, his eyes searching hers to see if it was really true. Nat nodded her head in confirmation.

Michael cleared his throat. “It seems there have been some unexpected developments.” His voice was calm despite the shocking information he had just received.

“What kind of developments?” Clara’s face twisted into an unpleasant snarl.

“Perhaps Natalie should explain to the rest of the room what’s on that piece of paper.” He looked over at her expectantly.

“Are you sure?”