“Hi ladies, I hear there is a shop that needs finishing, and two fine, strapping young men are just what you need to make that happen!” Enzo appeared from behind Michael with a huge grin on his face and his hands on his hips.
“You really didn’t need to,” Nat said, stepping back inside the shop. What they might lack in skill, they certainly made up for with enthusiasm. “But at this stage, I will take any help I can get!” She held her hand out to invite Michael and Enzo inside. “Lexi, this is Michael and Enzo.”
“It’s great to meet you.” Lexi shook both their hands, making no attempt to hide the fact she was checking them over. “Now hand over that food. This evil woman hasn’t allowed me a single break all morning and I’m ready to chew my own arm off.”
Michael laughed and handed the bag over to Lexi. Enzo followed her to the table and began helping her set out the food.
“You really didn’t need to do this.” Nat turned to Michael. “I’m also not sure you’re suitably dressed for the occasion, either.” She smiled and nodded towards his pristine t-shirt.
“I know, but I was at a bit of a loose end and I remembered you telling me how behind you were with the shop.” He stopped to look down. “And don’t worry about this old thing. Plenty more of those in the wardrobe.”
“Well, it’s really kind of you. Both of you.”
“When I mentioned to Enzo what you were doing, he suggested we come and help. If I’m honest, I think he’s hoping it’ll swing him favour with the owner. He’s something of a musician himself, so he’ll no doubt negotiate mates rates before long. Plus, he’s a sucker for a damsel in distress!”
“Well, judging by how well they are already getting along…” Nat nodded over at Lexi and Enzo chatting away like old friends. “I think those mates rates are a done deal!”
“He’s such a charmer.” Michael looked over at his friend and laughed. “It’s always been the same, ever since school.”
“I’m sure you charmed your fair share of girls as well.” Nat kicked herself for making a flirty statement. Especially one she didn’t want Michael to confirm as being true.
“I was never really that confident, to be honest.” Michael shrugged his shoulders. “I was a bit of a nerd, so any girlfriends I had were usually the friends of Enzo’s latest beau, not a result of my smooth talking.”
“Latest beau!” Nat burst into laughter. “Did you grow up in the 19th century?”
“OK, now you’re just being mean! His latest girlfriend, then” Michael made an extravagant show of being hurt. “I can quickly retract our offer of help.” He raised his hands to show a friendly challenge.
“With both of you here, it would be a pity not to make use of those muscles.”
Very fine muscles indeed, she added to herself. “Come on, let’s eat and then we’ll go through what needs to be done.”
They worked hard all afternoon, keen to take new instructions from their leader as soon as they had finished each task. Nat enjoyed the feeling of having a team of staff that did exactly as they were told, even if some things took a little explaining. She occasionally slipped into daydreaming about what her future might look like if she won the hotel contract. With that under her belt, it wouldn’t be long before she would need to take on some real employees.
“Earth to Nat!”
She felt a gentle pressure on her arm and swung round. Michael was looking expectantly at her.
“Oh, sorry! I was in a world of my own.”
“What’s next, boss?”
“Perfect timing. I need to hang this wallpaper and it must be carefully placed to match the pattern. An extra set of hands is just what I need.”
“Well, my hands are all yours. Just put them where you need them.”
The sound of Lexi sniggering nearby was a useful distraction for both of them to look away. Nat narrowed her eyes at Lexi, throwing her an unimpressed glare.
“If you could hold the paper there for a moment, I can judge the positioning better to get the pattern lined up.”
Michael did as he was told and stood perfectly still in position against the wall. Nat took a few paces back, then slipped under his outstretched arms to adjust the wallpaper a fraction, becoming acutely aware of their proximity. She felt the gentle heat radiating from his body, which only made her shiver a little harder when the warmth of his breath flowed down the back of her neck. She swallowed hard, trying to maintain her focus on the pattern. He had on the same aftershave he was wearing the day he interviewed her at the cafe. The warm spicy scent took her straight back to the moment when he kissed her hand. The memory was starting to take on new meaning. Maybe there was more to it than just a kind gesture to get her out of an uncomfortable situation?
“I think that’s just where it needs to be,” she said, stepping aside and doing her best to avoid any form of eye contact. She picked up the smoothing brush and worked it gently over the paper. “There are just a few more strips to go.”
As they continued working side by side, the intensity of feeling triggered by being so close began to fade and Nat allowed herself to relax. They soon fell into a comfortable rhythm as they hung each piece of wallpaper, conversation flowing naturally as they discussed books, films, and which restaurants they would recommend. With the final piece smoothed down, they both stood back to admire the finished wall.
“It looks great!” Michael’s eyes sparkled as he looked up and down at their handiwork. “I can see why you love doing this.”
“Feels good, doesn’t it?” A wide smile settled on Nat’s lips as she noticed the sense of pride and accomplishment on Michael’s face. Seeing him experience such an intense response to her passion meant more to her than he would ever know.