Nat found Lucy in the kitchen, busy preparing dinner and trying to entertain Louis at the same time.
“Hi, can I give you any help?”
“Oh yes, that would be great.” Lucy thrust a bowl of potatoes into Nat’s hands, along with a peeler. “If you wouldn’t mind sorting those and bunging them into that saucepan.” She nodded towards the side.
“Of course.” Nat filled the saucepan with water and sat down at the table next to Louis. She let him dip his hands into the cold water. He squealed in delight and began splashing his fingers around.
“How was work today? Are things getting better?”
“Oh, much better than before. Apart from this woman, Clara.” Nat pulled a grimace at Louis and pinched his nose gently. “She’s a meanie.” Louis giggled in agreement.
“Ah, the office terror.” Lucy laughed. “There’s always one.”
“Honestly, she’s vile. And she’s got this weird hold over Michael that means he is blind to her behaviour.”
“Do I hear a hint of jealousy in your voice there?”
“Not at all!” Nat threw a piece of potato peeling in Lucy’s direction.
“Are you sure about that? You do go a bit starry-eyed when you talk about Michael.” Lucy launched the peeling back at Nat. “Although, I wouldn’t blame you at all. There aren’t many hot, rich men working in the NHS, I can tell you.”
“Well, it wouldn’t be appropriate anyway, would it? Being as I work for him.”
“Aha! So you have thought about it!”
Nat’s cheeks flushed and she concentrated hard on peeling the potato in her hand.
“Every now and again. It does feel like there’s this strange connection between us. I don’t know, I’m probably just imagining everything. I don’t think I’m the best judge of romantic situations after what happened with Joe.” She dropped the slices of potato into the pan. Even though Nat was young and inexperienced when they started dating, she didn’t know if she would ever be able to trust her instincts again.
“That was more about Joe being a dickhead and nothing to do with you.” Lucy gently placed her hand on Nat’s shoulder. “Well, this is all the more reason for you to win that design contract. Then you can quit your job and you and Michael can live happily ever after.”
“There’s another thing that’s not going so well.” Nat put her head in her hands and groaned. “I’ve got some of my portfolio exactly how I want it, but the most important bit just isn’t coming together. There’s no way I’m going to beat the competition. This is such a prestigious opportunity and I don’t stand a chance.”
“OK, you need to give yourself a break,” Lucy scolded Nat. “You are very talented and have just hit a minor bump in the road. You’ll figure it out.”
“I know,” Nat said, not really believing it. “It’s just sometimes it feels like everything is conspiring against me.”
“And that kind of attitude isn’t going to help.” Lucy paused to take the casserole out of the oven. “You know, you should show your work to Simon. I know he would love to see it. Who knows, a fresh pair of eyes might be all you need to give you some inspiration?”
“Maybe.” Nat wasn’t convinced her brother would be capable of providing any kind of useful contribution. He might mean well, but that didn’t always translate into something that might be encouraging. “Right, are there any more kitchen jobs, or shall I get this little one bathed and ready for bed so we can relax and watch some trash TV after dinner?”
“Oh, you superstar. That would be great!”.
Nat whisked Louis out of his highchair and tickled his tummy. “Come on, stinky. Let’s get you smelling beautiful.”
Nat began filling the bathtub, pouring in some lavender bubble bath and swirling the warm water around with her fingers. She lifted Louis and placed him gently down. He swung his little fists around and bubbles sprayed up into the air, landing on both of them. His clear green eyes twinkled at Nat, and the perfect dimples in his cheeks framed a cheeky smile.
Before she knew it, Nat was imagining what a child of hers and Michael’s might look like. Would they inherit eyes with Michael’s rich blue tone, or would they be more green, like Nat’s? The hair would undoubtedly be brown, but dark chocolate like Michael’s, or with Nat’s chestnut hues woven in?
“Louis, I think I need my brain examining.” Nat scooped up a handful of bubbles and rested them on his head. “I blame your mummy, putting these thoughts in my mind.” He squealed in delight and patted his bubble-covered hands over his mouth. A few of the suds slipped inside and caused him to hiccup and cough. Nat rubbed his back gently. “Let’s get you washed and then ready for bed.”
She lifted him out of the bath and wrapped him up in an enormous fluffy white towel. As she carried him out of the bathroom and towards his bedroom, she passed Simon’s office. The door was slightly ajar and she could hear his phone conversation. It sounded like he was having a heated discussion and his voice carried into Louis’ bedroom as she dried and changed him.
“Sounds like Daddy has a few problems at work,” Nat whispered to Louis. “You won’t have to worry about that kind of thing for a long time.” As she pulled Louis’ sleep suit over his head, a familiar-sounding name caught Nat’s attention. She placed Louis in his cot and set the nightlight going, then stepped back a few paces so she could hear Simon’s conversation more clearly.
“We’ve got enough of an evidence trail now to finally put a stop to Spinigma. We need to start pushing the Gambling Commission to make a decision on when they will take action.” Simon paused to listen to whoever was on the other end of the call. “But this isn’t just about issuing a fine. That won’t stop them. If anything, it will just spur them on, knowing they won’t be held to account properly.”
Nat heard Simon thump his fist onto the desk.