Subject line: Exciting opportunity
Hi Nat,
I hope you are keeping well? I have just had this come through my network and I think it’s right up your street. You only have a month to prepare your portfolio, but I have already put in a good word, and they want to interview you on the 31st May at 10 a.m. I’ve attached the brief. Give me a call if you want to talk it through.
Good luck!
Sylvie x
Nat clicked on the attachment, her eyes growing wider as she took in the detailed information on the screen.
“Are you OK?” Lucy patted her on the arm to get her attention.
“I don’t believe it!” Nat turned her phone towards Lucy. “There’s an opportunity to bid for an amazing design contract. It’s for the owners of a grand country house in the Cotswolds. They want to turn it into a luxury hotel. If the successful designer does a good job, they could end up being the official partner working on properties they are securing all over the world.” Nat couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of her mouth. “This is my absolute dream job.”
“That sounds fantastic!” Lucy’s smile shifted into a frown. “So why don’t you look happy about it?”
“I don’t know how I’m going to manage it all.” Nat scrolled down through the portfolio requirements. “I’m only one week into the new job and I’ve got to do so much work on Lexi’s shop to get that ready for the launch. How on earth am I going to fit in preparing a portfolio good enough to win the contract alongside all of that in a month?”
“You absolutely can, and will, do it.” Lucy placed her hands on Nat’s shoulders. “Whatever you need, just let me know and I can help. I’m sure Simon will help, too.”
“No.” Nat shook her head. “Please don’t say anything to Simon about this. I couldn’t bear the disappointment at another failure of mine.”
Lucy sighed. “Look, I know he can come across like that, but he really is very supportive of you. We both are.”
“I know. But let’s just keep this between us for now. I’ll have a think about it.”
“OK, but don’t let this dream slip through your fingers. You know you’ll regret it if you don’t try.”
As they travelled home later that day, Nat stared out of the window, watching the world pass by in a blur. The sun was setting and pastel hues filled the sky with shades of pink, apricot, and violet. The last few weeks had not been easy, and Nat knew Lucy was right. This was the contract she was waiting for, and she couldn’t let this opportunity pass her by.
That evening, Nat lay back in the bathtub, a cloud of lavender-scented bubbles surrounding her as she allowed her body to relax. She closed her eyes and drifted into a daydream, imagining the country house and how she might transform it into something beautiful. There would be plush fabrics covering the walls and elegant chandeliers hanging from the ceilings. Carefully selected pieces of art and furniture would make a statement to those lucky enough to be staying there. She could really make a name for herself with this opportunity.
“Imagine that,” she murmured to herself, a smile gracing her lips at the thought of finally achieving her lifelong dream.
Her thoughts shifted to the week that had just gone by—a whirlwind of meetings, paperwork, and endless cups of coffee. Despite her lack of experience, Nat felt a growing sense of accomplishment. She had managed to keep up with the frenetic pace and adapt to the demands of her new job.
As she soaked in the warmth, Nat thought about the new colleagues she had met over the previous week. They had mostly been kind and supportive, offering advice when needed or simply lending a sympathetic ear when she felt overwhelmed.
Her favourite was Jamie, one of the technical team who had been exceptionally welcoming from the start. He was a far cry from the stereotypical geek, with his perfectly trimmed beard, easy smile, and bright green eyes that sparkled with mischief. He had greeted her on the first day she had worked in the office with a steaming cup of caramel coffee and a box of fresh donuts. This small act of kindness had touched Nat, even though he proceeded to work his way through most of the contents of the box before she had even managed to eat one.
Could managing the new job and preparing the portfolio be possible after all? Her fingers traced patterns in the bubbles. The steep learning curve hadn’t deterred her spirit. If anything, it had only served to fuel her determination to do well.
Her phone buzzed on the side, interrupting her thoughts. The screen displayed Michael’s name, and a knot began to tighten in her stomach. Why would he be calling her this time on a Sunday night?
“Hello?” she said, her voice wavering.
“Natalie.” Michael’s tone was sharp. “Did you confirm the reservation for us at La Maison tonight?”
“Yes… yes, I did,” she stammered, racking her brain to remember the details of the phone call she had made earlier in the week.
“Well, it appears they don’t have any record of it. I am standing here with the representatives from Spinigma. What the hell am I supposed to do?” Michael paused for a moment.
“Do you want me to come over there now?” Nat sat bolt upright, sending water cascading down the side of the bath. “I could speak to someone and sort it out.”
“Don’t bother, by the time you get here I will have found somewhere else. It’s a bank holiday tomorrow, so we’ll talk about this Tuesday morning. I need you to come to my apartment first thing. I’m waiting for a delivery and can’t go out.”
“Of course. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened,” she said, her voice thick with regret.