“Well, the most common response when someone is offered a job is ‘yes’. Even for someone who says they don’t actually want the job during the interview.”
Nat cringed at the reminder. “I just wasn’t expecting this. I didn’t really think I would get the job after what happened. Are you sure?”
“Are you questioning me about whether I want to offer you the job?”
Out of the corner of her eye, Nat spotted Lexi wriggling around on her seat and waving her hands around.
“TAKE THE JOB!” she mouthed. “YOU CAN DO IT!”
“OK, if you’re happy to give me a chance.” Nat bit down on her lip. “I’d love to accept the offer.” She let out a sigh of relief.
“Only if you’re sure I’m not putting you out?”
Nat couldn’t tell from Michael’s tone whether he was being serious or not.
“I’ll get the HR team to email you across the contract and we can agree on the start date. The sooner the better for me.”
“That sounds great.” Nat allowed a smile to form on her face. “I’m looking forward to working with you.” She slipped the phone back into her pocket and looked up at Lexi, now unable to stop grinning.
“I can’t believe it,” Nat squealed. “I’ve finally got a job!”
“This calls for a celebration tonight!” Lexi leaped out of her chair, pulling Nat out of hers and began dancing her around. “Not only are you going to work magic on my shop and turn it into the most successful music cafe in the world, but you have also got yourself a job—” Lexi paused dramatically, a cheeky grin on her face, “—working for a hot CEO. Things are most definitely looking up for you!”
The initial excitement of the job offer didn’t last long as Nat quickly became overwhelmed at the thought of what was ahead. How would she juggle starting a new job and help Lexi get her shop ready in time for the launch party?
“Hey.” Lexi punched Nat playfully on the arm. “You don’t look so happy for someone that has finally got her brother off her back.”
“I’m just worried about how I’m going to manage everything.” Nat was terrified she would let her best friend down and didn’t know if she could cope with any more failures. “I want your shop to look amazing, and I’m about to start a job I don’t have the first clue about doing.”
“First of all, the plans you have drawn up for the shop are amazing. You tell me exactly what we need and I will get that sorted so you don’t have to worry. We have a month and a half until the launch party, which is plenty of time.” Lexi put her arm around Nat’s shoulder. “Second of all, you will absolutely smash that job. Michael has given you a chance, and he sounds like the type of person who wouldn’t take a risk on someone he wasn’t sure about.”
“You’re right.” Nat forced a smile. “I need to think more positively.” She turned to give Lexi a hug. “Thanks for your support. Let’s get these designs finished and then the first drinks are on me!”
As Nat added notes onto the sketches for Lexi’s shop, she finally allowed a fraction of excitement and hope to build inside her.
Chapter seven
Monday 25th April
Nat took a deep breath as she opened up her laptop. She had spent the last week preparing for her first day, reading up on the company’s background and its mission statement. She was determined to make a good impression. Just because she didn’t see a long-term future there, it didn’t mean she wanted to look a complete novice. Michael had founded HealthLink a few years ago and the company had grown quickly, with their user base of people looking to connect and share their health journeys now in the millions. They were known for being a forward thinking company and took a strong stance against exploitative behaviours, both for their employees and customers.
The company was flexible and allowed staff to work from home, so Nat was sitting in the kitchen. The table was sturdy and made of dark wood, with a few scuff marks and stains from years of use. Light streamed in through the windows and illuminated the space, creating a bright and airy feel. A vase of fresh daffodils sat in the centre of the table, adding a splash of colour to the room.
Nat loaded her emails and saw a message from Michael at the top of the list. He had welcomed her to the team and given her a brief overview of what was expected of her that day. She was to familiarise herself with his daily schedule and spend some time learning how to use the company’s specialised software.
She looked at the time on the corner of the screen. There was an hour until she was due to have a video call with him to run through the urgent tasks. Nat noticed there were some other emails waiting for her, so she opened each one taking in the minutiae of everything she read and jotting down notes in the new notebook she had treated herself to. It was a deep burgundy colour, with gold embossed flowers on the vegan leather cover. The pages were thick and velvety, lined with perfect black ink and calling out for the owner to fill the blank spaces.
“Morning!” Lucy breezed into the kitchen and flicked the switch on the kettle. “Can I make you a drink? I was going to do a pot of tea.”
“That would be lovely, thank you.”
“How are you getting on?”
“OK, I think.” Nat placed her pen down. “Michael has a very busy diary and there’s a lot to get my head around.”
“Well, it’s only your first day, so it’s bound to feel a little overwhelming. I’ll stop distracting you.” Lucy smiled and disappeared into the utility room with a basket overfilling with dirty laundry. Nat returned to her notepad and emails.
“Oh, shit.” It was just after ten a.m. and she had missed the start of her first meeting with Michael. She clicked on the video link and adjusted the headset while she waited for the call to connect.