Chapter 4
What in the hell did I just say? I yank my hand out of the air and bring it back to my side as fast as I can then twist my fingers nervously. I grab my drink, squeezing it tightly. A splash of Dr. Pepper falls over the edge and onto my hand and I realize that my hand is shaking so badly that I’ve spilled. I grab a little napkin and clean up the mess trying to keep myself busy and distracted.
All I can think right now is…I hope he didn’t hear me. But I know he has because his expression goes from scowling to downright vicious. I shift in my seat a little bit and see his murderous glare shift from me to focus on Kurt across the room.
Callum stands up, his 6’ 2” frame towering over my shorter, 5’ 6”, as I slide off of my stool quickly and step in front of him.
“What are you doing?!” I shriek over the loud music. He takes a step forward and practically growls. “Stop, please don’t do this. Please,” I practically beg him. I put my hands on his arms trying to hold him in his place.
“Juliana, move,” Callum growls through his words at me, his deep voice sounds threatening but I brace myself.
I made a big mistake opening my mouth. Maybe there is some way I can get him to walk away. His arms flex under my hands and I know he’s getting ready to shove past me. It will be easy for him too. I tightened my grip just to try to brace myself.
“Callum, come on. Stop, seriously. Let’s go outside and talk about this.” I offer, trying to bribe him into calming down. I don’t want to cause a scene and I hope he wants to take me back to his place enough that he’ll agree to go outside with me. Callum hesitates a bit, debating. I can see him thinking about how the night could end in taking me back to his place or end in a fight. He only ponders for a few seconds before the anger wins out and I know he’s decided against taking me up on the offer.
“Get out of my way.” His glare has yet to leave Kurt and in that moment, I realize I won’t be able to stop Callum from confronting Kurt. So, I know what I have to do. I have to warn Kurt. I have to get to him before Callum does and I have to explain what I did and what is about to happen.
I quickly turn and duck between moving bodies to make my way through the crowd. I appear in front of Kurt knowing I only have seconds before Callum is right behind me.
Kurt seems to be a little confused at first and I blush embarrassed at this sudden reunion. I know I need to warn him but I can’t get myself to speak, I’m terrible at confrontation. After a second, it seems to click where he knows me from. His face lights up with recognition.
“Juliana!” He says brightly and gestures around the room. “What are you doing here?”
Before I can answer, I hear people grunting and complaining and a “Hey, watch it man”, and a few curses and rude comments and I know Callum is right behind me.
“I’m so sorry...” I realize my time is limited but I am only able to say those three words before Callum shoves his palm against Kurt’s chest, catching him off guard and making him stumble a bit. When he regains his balance, he gives Callum an annoyed look.
“Watch where you’re going, man,” Kurt says, thinking it was an accident.
“Don’t try to take my woman,” Callum responds, shoving him again. This time, Kurt is braced and barely moves. Kurt looks at me confused and I am too embarrassed to look at him.
“Callum. stop,” I beg and try to step between them but Callum shoves me aside causing me to fall to the ground.
Before I can get up, I hear a loud crack and see Callum on the floor next to me, gripping his jaw. Then a large hand reaches down for me and I grab onto it. Kurt picks me up looking concerned and I can’t speak.
“Are you okay?” He asks, searching my eyes. All I can do is nod.
Kurt lets go of my hand and I instantly miss its warmth, comforting me. He runs his hand over his hair and looks over at Callum who is surrounded by his bandmates. One handing him a cold drink to hold to his jaw. Tatyana has spotted me at this point and quickly runs over.
“Are you okay? What happened? I am so sorry I brought you here!” She says talking quickly and I smile a little.
“I’m okay,” I reassure her. “I have so much to tell you, but I’ll have to explain everything later.”
“You’re bleeding!” She exclaims and grabs one of my hands. I look at it and see a little cut that I hadn’t noticed before. I guess I must have cut myself on something when I fell.
“It’s just a little cut. I’m okay.” I pull my hand back from her and grab a napkin to press into my palm. I hiss through my teeth at the stinging. Tatyana digs through her purse to see if she has a band-aid but comes up empty-handed, a guilty expression on her face. She looks like she is about to apologize again but she doesn’t get the chance to.
“I live about a block away from here and I have some first aid items. You should clean your hand off.” I look up surprised to see Kurt inspecting my injured hand as I hold it with my other hand, keeping the cut face up so nothing touches it. The blood is seeping through the napkin so Kurt decides for me. “Yeah, we should get you cleaned up.” Before I can protest, he turns to his friends and tells them he is leaving. I look at Tatyana and she just grins at me and I have to roll my eyes at her.
“Text me if you need me,” she whispers in my ear as she hugs me to say goodbye. I tell her I’ll text her when I am headed back to our apartment and she winks at me. I quickly turn away before she can make any suggestive comments.
Kurt waits to see if I’m ready then leads me out the door with his hand on the small of my back and I feel giddy. His hand isn’t being forceful like Callum’s was earlier tonight. This is more gentle and secure. No, you don’t have feelings for him. Stop it. I tell myself, scolding myself slightly.
We are quiet most of the walk back to his apartment but it’s a short walk so the silence doesn’t feel awkward. When we reach the building, he says, “Are you okay? What happened back there? If you don’t mind me asking.”
I shake my head telling him no, I don’t mind. “Callum is my ex-boyfriend,” I state plainly and pause wondering if I should continue. I don’t know him very well but I feel like I can tell him anything. I shouldn’t though, it would scare him to know what I told Callum. Although, then again, I should definitely tell him. Especially since I involved him. Because of my lie and the fact that he had to step in physically too.