“Have a good evening, Juliana.” My boss smiles goodbye and then goes off to greet a customer who has just entered the store.
I bring the cart into the back to put it away and make sure I’ve cleaned up all the trash that came with the unboxing of products. Once the space is clean, I take the now full trash bag out to the back hall to be taken out at the closing of the store. Then I grab my stuff and clock out. I walk through the store, give a quick wave to my boss, and say hello to Katherine on her way in.
When I reach my car, I check the time and see that it’s just after 5 p.m. It shouldn’t take me too long to get home which should leave me enough time to rinse off and chill for a little until Tatyana gets home to help me pick an outfit for dinner with Kurt.
Speaking of Kurt, my phone goes off as soon as I step into my apartment and a quick check shows a new text from Kurt.
Kurt: Still expecting me at 7?
I smile and shut my apartment door behind me then set my bag down on the counter before responding to him.
Juliana: Yes sir, I’ll be ready.
He responds right away.
Kurt: I just stepped out of a meeting but it shouldn’t be too much longer. I will text you when I’m headed your way.
Juliana: Sounds good :)
I set my phone on the counter next to my bag then head down the hall to my bedroom to strip and grab my towel. The shower is hot and steaming up the bathroom. I grab my hair cap, not needing to wash my hair since I did this morning. I start relaxing before I even step into the shower. The steamy room relaxes my muscles then I step into the stream letting the hot water pour over my shoulders.
I took a little bit longer in the shower than I originally planned but I needed to relax after work. Tatyana should be getting off work now, I check the time again and see that it is after 6 so Tatyana might be headed home already. That would be great because I am starting to freak out. This is my first evening date with Kurt. And yes, I have officially given in to thinking this is a date. Because technically it would be a date if this relationship was real. So I should just think of it as a date, just in case anyone runs into us out together.
“Juliana!” Tatyana shouts then I hear the apartment door slam shut. “I rushed home so we could have enough time to get ready.”
“Yikes, I hope you didn’t speed too badly.”
Tatyana waves her hand dismissing the idea. “I’m here now, aren’t I? Okay so any ideas for your outfit?”
We set out outfits on my bed and change our minds multiple times before finding the best one. I’m pulling on my jeans when my phone notifies me of a new text.
“Will you check that for me? I think it’s probably Kurt.”
“Got you,” Tatyana responds and grabs my phone while I finish dressing. “Yep. It is Kurt, he says he’s on his way.”
“Okay, text back that I’ll meet him in the lobby when he gets here.”
“You don’t want him to come up? Trying to keep me away from him? Hmm, I see you.”
I laugh and give her a look. “Okay fine, he usually likes to walk me back here afterwards so tonight I will let him. I’ll invite him in and then you can talk to him. But be easy on him”
“Hey, he’s a lawyer. He should be able to handle it.” Tatyana puts my phone away in my bag and hands it to me.
“Okay, I’ll see you later.”
“Sounds good. I will be waiting up. No matter how late you are.” Tatyana says, narrowing her eyes, looking at me threatening a bit.
“We won’t be too late. I wouldn't think so anyway. I should head down.” I leave our apartment and head down the stairs.
Chapter 17
When I reach the lobby, I see Kurt standing near the front desk area and talking to James once again. This time, his little doggy, Roger, is with him.
“Hi, James,” I greet him first then stoop to greet Roger, earning myself full body wiggles and lots of kisses from the sweet dog.
James chuckles at his dog’s reaction. “Good evening, Juliana.”