Page 13 of My Fake Fiancé

Chapter 13


I gesture to Kurt that I am going to go inside and he nods in acknowledgment. As I walk inside, I can picture his grin when he told his mother about our engagement. It makes me smile and my stomach gets tight. I try to rush away the thought. He doesn’t like me. He can’t, he’s just doing it to help me. I don’t like him like that either. It’s just pretend. It isn’t real.

I have to keep repeating that to myself. It isn’t real. It isn’t real. It isn’t real. I go to stand in line to order a drink for myself and I feel bad because I have no idea what Kurt would want so I just decide to order for myself so I don’t accidentally get him something he does not like. When I reach the counter, my stomach growls, reminding me that I haven’t eaten in a while so I order a blended frappe and an orange scone. I go to find a table and once I am seated, I nibble on my scone while waiting for my drink to be ready. I look up and try to see if I can see Kurt outside but I can’t so I just go back to enjoying my scone.

A few seconds pass and someone slides into the booth opposite me. I look up smiling, assuming it was Kurt. But the smile on my face freezes when I see it isn’t Kurt, it’s Callum.

“Hello, love.”

“Wh-what are you doing here? How did you find me?” I look around the shop, trying to find a way to safely exit. Callum senses my need to escape and suddenly a boot lands on the edge of the booth next to me, effectively trapping me. I look at him and try to look bored but he can tell I’m scared and he smirks at me.

“Where’s your little fiancé to protect you now?” He asks, leaning across the table, sneering at me. When I don’t answer he reaches across the table and grabs a piece of my scone and tosses it into his mouth. I sit patiently and try not to do anything to provoke him.

“What do you want, Callum?” I ask timidly. I clear my throat to try again, trying to sound stronger “You were the one who broke up with me. A while ago.” I remind him.

He takes his time finishing the rest of my scone and I hear my name called. My drink is ready. I internally sigh in relief and I look at Callum. “That’s my drink. If I don’t go get it, someone will come over here.” I say it as a threat, but my tone remains polite, so he doesn’t suspect anything. He grabs my arm firmly, but not tight enough to leave a mark, he’s smarter than that. He leans forward as if he is about to say something but my name is called again and he lets go and removes his boot, freeing me. I scurry out of the booth and up to the counter. By the time I grab my drink and sneak a peek at the booth, he’s gone. I notice a napkin on the table though and I slowly walk back. On the napkin it says,

I know you’re hiding something, and I will find out whatever it is and expose you.

I let out a big breath I was holding. Wow, that was interesting. Not the best written threat. So, he knows I’m hiding something but he doesn’t know what. With all of his hostility towards me, maybe he thinks I cheated on him? No, I don’t think that could be it. But he does know something’s up. I sigh and sit down in the booth again, shoving the note into my purse. I take a sip of my drink and then feel a presence sliding into the seat across from me. I don’t look up this time.

“Sorry, I took so long. My mom was very happy for us.” Kurt chuckles. “She also insisted that we come to her golf club so she can host an engagement party for us. You remember the golf club that used to host us as kids for different church events. Or not even church events, I guess, really just church friends and family hanging out after services.”

I nod, remembering different times I’d been to the golf club. I think back to when I was younger. Wow, I definitely had a crush on Kurt back then. Wait, he just said his mother wants to host an engagement party for us. I look up, confused and slightly horrified.

“Yeah, I tried to dissuade her from the idea but she already has her heart set on it, so what am I to do?” He looks at me and takes in my slumped form and my suddenly tired demeanor. “Are you okay? I can just take you home if you’d like? It looks like you’ve had a long day.”

I let out a laugh and decide to tease him to avoid the subject, “That’s not a very nice thing to say to a woman, let alone your fiancé.” He laughs too and starts to apologize but I wave it away. “No, you’re right. Everything just hit me but I’ll be all right shortly. Did you want a coffee or something to eat?”

He nods. “Yeah, I come here often so they already started on my order when they saw me outside.” He laughs and rubs his hand over his head, embarrassed. I laugh with him and sit up a little straighter, my mood lightening.

“So,” I start awkwardly, “I guess we should get down to business. I know I’ve apologized a lot but I need to say it again. I am really sorry for this. I feel so bad. It was so dumb of me…” I trail off when I realize he is smiling at me. “What? Is there something on my face?” I wipe at my face with a napkin and he laughs.

“No, sorry. I didn’t mean to stare. You just apologize a lot.” I nod about to apologize for apologizing a lot then I think better of it. “I told you that I want to do this. We are not going to discuss this anymore. Now, what we do have to discuss is what we are going to tell our parents.” I sigh and lean back against the booth, thinking. “Obviously, they both have already heard the news but how should we go about this to make sure neither party gets hurt when things…end.” He pauses, looking at me and I smile weakly because there really isn’t any other way to say it. This will have to end, and I wouldn’t want to ruin any other relationships, with the ending of Kurt’s and my “engagement”.

“Shit,” I cuss then blush when he gives me a look. “Sorry, I never said I was ladylike.” He laughs and nods, agreeing. I lightly kick his shin under the table. “Hey! You don’t have to agree with me!” I laugh with him as he rubs his shin, pouting, and pretending to be hurt. Or at least, I hope he’s pretending.

“So, you want to go along with this party idea? Do you think we can pretend in front of all our family and friends? I don’t know if I can do that. I don’t think I want to…” I stop and think about my encounter with Callum just a few minutes earlier, this makes me sit up and nod. “You know what, let’s do it. What better way to prove this is real? This will convince Callum we are serious and he will leave me alone,” I say with confidence but inside I am questioning it. I don’t know if Callum will stop after just one party. He knows me better than that. There is no telling how far he will go to find the truth.

I look up and see Kurt watching me. Confused by my quick change of heart. After a few seconds of silence, he speaks, “Okay. If you’re sure? I’ll call my mother back in a few minutes and let her know. We need to figure out a story. How we got together, how I proposed. Those things. The important details.” He sits back and taps his fingers on the table, thinking.

“Good idea…”

Chapter 14


Hanging out with Juliana this afternoon was more fun than I had thought it would be. I can look back now and see that I’ve always had fun when hanging out with her. The past few years we haven’t spent much time together because we’ve all been busy but I have good memories from when we were younger.

After I’ve dropped Juliana back at her apartment, my phone starts buzzing in my pocket before I pull out of the parking lot.

“Hello?” I answer without looking at who is calling.

“Hi, sweetheart. I’m sorry to be calling you again so soon.” It’s my mom again. Her tone sounds a bit excited.

“It’s okay. Sorry, I haven’t called you back yet. I just dropped Juliana back off at her apartment.”