“Oh, no sorry. Just thinking.” I reply then get into the car, turning on the engine. “Did you have any place you wanted to go to get coffee?” I ask, trying to change the subject. I watch her face as she thinks. Scrunching her eyes up and tilting her head.
“Ummm,” she says, pausing and I still wait silently. After a few seconds, she lets out a burst of air as if she was holding her breath. “Nope, I got nothing.” This makes me laugh and she looks at me, confused.
“Sorry,” I say, a bit breathless. “But you took so long thinking, I figured you’d come up with an answer but you said ‘nope’.” I start laughing again but this time she smiles and laughs too.
“I really was trying to think of a place but I don’t really know any coffee places!” She defends herself as we both laugh. I put the car into drive and pull out of the parking lot. “I know there are a lot of coffee places near here but I’m not a huge coffee person nor a breakfast person, so I really haven’t been to too many. I mean Tatyana has dragged me to a few and most of them make the pastries fresh so they’re usually pretty good. Although most of the breakfast places that would have coffee and treats are probably closed by now. I think some close at 3 or before.”
Juliana prattles on and I hesitate to suggest another type of food or drink for our meeting but we’ve already agreed on going to a coffee house. Plus at this point, if I said we could change and go elsewhere, it might take a while to decide on a place. It’s easier to stick with what we agreed upon.
“I think I might know a place,” I say but add nothing more and she doesn’t question me. She reaches for the radio, turning the dial until she finds a country station playing a song. She turns up the radio and sits back in her seat.
We ride in silence for a few minutes before I hear her sigh and I turn my head slightly to look at her. Her mouth is opened partially like she is about to say something. I turn back to focus on the road.
“Yes?” I ask. “Are you going to say something?”
I can tell she wants to ask how I knew she was going to talk but I don’t want to admit to watching her, so I am relieved when she doesn’t ask.
“I’m just really sorry about all of this. It was so stupid of me. Honestly, I don’t know what I was thinking.” She seems so guilty that I almost feel bad but I know I have to mention that my mother found out.
“Juliana,” I start.
“Please, call me Juli. All of my friends do.” She cuts me off with a wave of her hand as if I am being too formal by addressing her as Juliana.
“Juli,” I start over, “I understand that you’re sorry. But I’ve told you that I also understand why you said what you did and that I am here to help. And after your…Callum?” I ask, trying to remember his name, and she nods so I continue. “After Callum showed up at your apartment, I think you did the right thing and I stand by my decision to help you.” I pause, taking a deep breath before telling her, “My mother knows.”
“Your mother knows what?” She asks absently as if she is lost in thought. Then she shoots up, sitting tall in her seat. “WAIT! She knows? About what I said? About us? How did that happen? How could she know?” She keeps asking questions but her voice gets quieter, like she’s talking to herself.
“Hey,” I say to get her attention back on me. “It’s all right.”
She cuts me off again with a gasp. “Shit!” She curses and I laugh at her sailor’s mouth. “Sorry, but I forgot! My mother had lunch with your mother today! Oh no. I practically begged her not to say anything. And I thought she wouldn’t but I guess she did. Who knows why? Ugh.” Then she goes on to say, multiple times, what seems to be her favorite four-letter word, shit.
I glance at my phone sitting in the cup holder and tap on it to check if I have any messages while she continues to talk. “I told my mother not to say anything but I did text you while on the phone with my mother so your mother must have already known but of course it would have been because of my mother anyway. Well, who knows if my mother actually told your mother but my mother definitely told my grandmother who was probably thrilled and told everyone at her church, which your parents attend, and a lot of other people they are all friends with so of course the news probably traveled around quickly…” She says, seeming to talk all with one breath, without stopping and I can’t help but be somewhat impressed.
By the time she finishes, I am pulling into the parking lot and she doesn’t seem to notice as I step out of the car to return my mother’s call.
“Hi, honey. How are you doing?” She answers the phone politely and I can imagine her smiling.
“Hi Mom, I’m doing alright. How are you?” We always start our conversations with what people think are just formalities but she genuinely wants to know how I’m doing.
“I’m just great.” She waits patiently for me to tell her the big news but I can tell she already knows. She’s holding back.
“So, I guess you’ve heard.”
“Heard what? Oh, yes well, I have heard something but I was waiting to hear from you.” My mother is never one to push, she has patience with me and knows that when I am ready I will usually tell her anything.
“Well,” I pause, taking a deep breath before blowing it all out and continuing, “it’s all true. Juliana, Juli,” I correct myself, “and I are engaged. To be married.” I clarify, then hold my breath and wait for my mother’s reaction. I don’t think she will be upset, she has always liked Juliana and thought she was a great girl.
“Oh, Kurt! That is wonderful.” She gushes, sounding so happy. I find myself grinning. “I had heard the news but I wanted to hear it from you directly. I had lunch with Juliana’s mother and I could tell there was something she wanted to tell me and she sort of let some little hints slip but I am so glad to officially hear it from you!” I listen to my mother talking about how wonderful Juliana is and how we need to have a party to celebrate. While I’m listening, I look across the car and see Juli watching me. She looks nervous so I smile reassuringly and it seems to help because I see her let out a breath and she smiles back at me a little bit.
“Mom, I am actually with Juliana right now so I can’t stay on the phone too long.” I look down at the ground and kick a pebble while my mother talks.
“Oh, no sorry. I won’t keep you long but don’t you think it would be a fun idea to celebrate or at least have dinner with our families? I think we should all get together. Your sister,” my mom begins and I groan.
“Even my sister knows? So I guess pretty much everyone knows at this point.” I let out a sigh and look up at Juliana.
“Kurt,” I can tell she is about to scold me but she refrains. “Kurt, we are all very happy for you two. I will text you later to arrange a dinner or a party.” She sounds like she is leaning towards the party but I’m sure it would be better if we kept everything small. “Or you can call me later to discuss the details.”
“Okay, Mom.”