I stare at the phone a little taken aback by his abrupt end to the call but then my phone dings, telling me I’ve got a new text and I open it. It’s from Kurt and it reads, Sorry for ending the call so suddenly, boss eyeing me… see you at 3 .
I smile and toss my phone onto my bed then hop up and head into my closet to find an outfit for work. Once I’m dressed, I chug a cup of coffee, pack my bag, and head out the door.
When I arrive at work, the store is crowded so I quickly put my things away and then clock in, going over to a young couple and their daughter. I help them pick out outfits and accessories to go along with them. When nearly an hour passes, they have everything they need and I head over to the cash register to ring them out. They thank me for all my help and thank me for my patience. I smile and tell them it’s no problem at all. And it really isn’t. I’ve enjoyed working with them and it has kept me distracted from thinking about what happened last night.
Before I know it, my shift is nearing its end. I help one last customer then look around, noticing the store is pretty empty. Everyone that is in the store is already being helped so my manager tells me I can leave.
I clock out and say goodbye to everyone before heading to my car. I sit in my car with the windows rolled down, waiting for it to cool off and I decide to call my mother.
“Hello?” She answers, not looking at the caller ID.
“Hi, Mom,” I say, then toss my phone onto the passenger seat and fiddle with the AC in my car while my mother talks so loudly that I can still hear her very clearly.
“Why haven’t you called me sooner?!” She practically screeches through the phone, and I can’t tell if she is mad or excited. “I called you a hundred times last night and this morning! You have a lot of explaining to do, young lady. I’ve already called Gram and discussed this situation with her!” My mother prattles on but I stop listening. Oh no, since my mother and grandmother, Gram, know then our whole church congregation must know too. This congregation includes Kurt’s parents.
I grab my phone off of the seat and send Kurt a quick text, while my mother continues to talk. I sent the text after retyping numerous times trying to figure out what to say and eventually settling with:
Juliana: Heard from your parents today?
He responds with a simple:
Kurt: Yep.
I groan forgetting my mother is still on the phone and she hears me.
“Juliana, what are you doing right now??”
“Sorry, I’m listening.” I sigh and wait for more yelling but I hear a muffled sound and my mother greeting someone. “Mom, who are you with?”
“I’ll have to call you back, dear. I’m having lunch with Mrs. Michaels.” I inhale deeply. Kurt’s mom.
“Mom, no. Don’t tell her anything… yet.” I beg softly but that’s probably why they’re having lunch.
“Why shouldn’t I tell her anything?” She asks, annoyed.
“Well…” I search for an answer. “We are trying to keep it on the down-low for a little while first! So, we can enjoy it before sharing it with everyone else.” I marvel at my quick response then remind myself to get Kurt up to date on what is happening.
My mother sighs but she likes being the first to know a secret so I know she’s happy. “Well, all right then but I expect to see you at our house for dinner tonight at 6:30 p.m., to discuss what’s been going on since you’ve moved out.” I can hear Mrs. Michaels coming back to the table and I agree to the dinner just to make sure my mother keeps her mouth shut. “See you at 6:30 p.m.,” she says, then hangs up the phone and I lean back against my seat and close my eyes. I just sit in my silent car for a few seconds then peek at the clock. 2:30 p.m., already? Jeez, I need to get going.
I start my car and crank my music, opening my windows and sunroof, letting the music spill out into the streets. I lean back in my seat and drive to my apartment, I see Tatyana’s car in the parking lot and know I have a lot to explain to her but my clock reads 2:43 p.m. and I know I need to get ready before Kurt comes to pick me up.
Chapter 11
I park my car and make my way into the building, climbing the stairs, my mind going crazy. When I reach my floor, I exit the stairwell, go to the apartment door, and unlock it, letting myself in. I shut the door behind me and lock it, then put my keys on the counter. I begin to head toward my room before I see Tatyana pop up off the couch and run over to me.
“Hey!” She calls out, making me jump. “Where have you been?”
“Work…” I say, not elaborating, and continue walking to my room. Tatyana does not give up and she follows me, jumping onto my bed. I kick off my shoes and she sits patiently, waiting for me to continue. When I don’t, she sighs.
“Sooooo, want to tell me what the hell happened last night? And start from the beginning!” She says and I laugh.
“Jeez, someone is a little bossy.”
“Well, when your friend is suddenly engaged without anyone knowing, one has to be bossy.” I shake my head, laughing then flop onto the bed next to her.
“All right, all right.” I puff out a breath of air and tuck a pillow under my head, and I realize just how badly I need to talk to someone about this whole situation. “Kurt is coming to pick me up at 3 so I’ll tell you some now and I’ll keep you updated.”