“Oh my God, it was so fucking hot to watch you two,” her friend replies.
“Well, anytime, ladies,” I respond. I pause and notice the two staring up at me, but neither stirs. This should be when they know the fun has ended and start getting dressed, but that doesn’t seem to be happening.
I raise an eyebrow, no longer amused by their lack of movement. “Alright, well, I’ve got a lot to do today. Enjoy your morning, ladies.”
“Morning?” the nameless woman asks.
I chuckle. “Yes, we partied all night. And now it’s time for the two of you to head back to wherever you came from.”
They stare at me in confusion, not entirely understanding what I’m saying. “Let me put it another way,” I say, my tone gentler now. “You both had fun, but it’s time to go home or wherever.”
Rachel finally speaks up. “But I don’t want to go. I want to stay with you.”
Her friend nods in agreement.
“Well, that’s not an option,” I answer firmly, slipping a black T-shirt over my head, stretching it over my muscles and covering the tattoos. Rachel and the nameless beauty look up at me, their expressions soured by the abrupt end to our escapade. “Come on, ladies, get dressed. You gotta go.”
“Wow, really? That’s how it is?” Rachel’s pout is as forced as her indignation.
“Look,” I say, my breaths evening out, “I lost track of how many times you both came last night, so I don’t wanna hear any bitching. You got what you came here for. Now it’s time for you to go.”
The nameless one starts to whine, and without patience for it, I stride to my wallet on top of my dresser and pull out a wad of cash. I toss it at her—it’s crude but effective. “There.”
“I am no whore,” she screams, but her fingers curl around the bills even as she shimmies off the bed and shoves her legs into her skirt.
“Could’ve fooled me,” I mutter under my breath.
A sharp knock on the door cuts through the heated conversation. “Boss?” Marco’s voice is muffled but urgent.
“Give me a minute!” I growl, not ready for an interruption.
“Sorry, boss, but Eva just checked in downstairs.”
“Shit.” Instantly, my attention fractures. Eva Martinez may be my sister’s best friend, but she isn’t just that anymore. Since my father’s murder, she has become one of my closest friends, and the last thing I ever want to do is leave her waiting. “Buzz her up,” I call out before turning my attention back to the ladies.
“You two need to leave now,” I command, unhappy with the lack of urgency in their movements.
Rachel and the nameless woman exchange a look, disappointment etched across their faces, but they begrudgingly continue to gather their belongings strewn about my room.
“Eva?” Rachel asks, her voice laced with curiosity.
“None of your fucking business,” I answer, annoyed she even felt entitled to ask the question.
“There’s no reason to be an asshole,” Rachel grunts, pulling her dress over her head and scooping her boots and undergarments up into her arms.
I manage to get them half-dressed and stumbling toward the elevator. The one whose name I never caught drops her earrings, and as I hurry her along, she enthusiastically curses at me. I don’t care. I’ve been called worse by better.
The elevator doors opened with a ding to reveal Eva’s smiling face. The women shoot Eva a venomous glare as she steps off the elevator.
“Good morning,” Eva offers, but the women only scoff in response as they step onto the elevator.
“Have a nice life, ladies,” I quip as the doors close on their scowls.
“Those two looked like a barrel of laughs,” Eva comments, arching an eyebrow.
“Entertainment comes in many forms,” I reply. Eva sees me in a way not many do, but even her insight has limitations. The constant pressure I’m under requires me to find a way to let off steam. Last night with these two ladies was one of those exact opportunities. “Now, what brings you here, Eva? Or did you just want to swing by to pass judgment on how I spend my free time?”
“Oh, come on, Vincent! You’re so uptight. We all know you’re a huge slut, and we love you just the same.” Eva laughs, shaking her head at my jest. “You need to lighten up. How about a joke?”