Page 55 of Cloud Nine Love

“Dr. Mathis, how are you?”

“Carson, you can call me Carson. Taylor, right?”

“Right, yeah.” I nodded, feeling more than a little flattered that I seemed to have made an impression on him as well.

His eyes flicked down at the badge hanging around my neck on my lanyard, and he pointed at me. “Are you the new attending in E.R.?”

“I am.”

A wide, slow smile spread across his handsome face. “I, um, I heard that they’d hired someone. You were in the Navy, right?”


“You have a little girl, too, right?”

“Harper, yeah.” I grinned. “She’s going to be five, on Saturday.”

His eyes widened. “Wow. Time really flies.”

“It does.”

“How’s um…sorry, I forgot his name.”

“Kane,” I filled in the blank.

“Right, Kane.”

“Good, he just got married yesterday. He’s in Mexico, on his honeymoon.”

“Oh, you two aren’t…”

“No.” I shook my head. I didn’t see the point in explaining that we were never actually together. I didn’t miss the way his blue eyes brightened at my response.

“So, are you single, then?”

No. I’m actually totally, completely in love with someone.

“Yeah, I am,” I answered, ignoring my inner voice.

“Great!” He enthused. “I mean, not great, but…”

I grinned. It was nice to see a man who oozed calm, cool, and collected a little flustered.

“I just, I’d love to take you out to dinner sometime. I mean, once you get settled and everything.”

I started to respond when I heard my name being shouted.


When I turned, I saw Remi walking toward me in long, purposeful strides, and my heart slammed into my chest.

“What are you doing here?” I asked breathlessly as possible scenarios populated my mind. Was this my Officer and a Gentleman moment? Was he going to Richard Gere me and pick me up?

No. That didn’t make any sense. I didn’t work in a factory job I hated. I loved my job. But was he here to tell me that he couldn’t get on the flight without telling me he loved me and wanted to be with me?

“My mom. I got home and found her unresponsive on the floor. She was burning up. The ambulance brought her here. She didn’t want me to ride with her. She doesn’t even want to see me.”

“Oh…” I blinked up at him as I remembered the woman’s voice had sounded familiar.