Page 58 of Cloud Nine Love

I ignored her. My arm snaked around her lower back, and I scooped her into the seat. After closing the passenger side door, I thanked the nurse then headed around to the driver’s side. When I climbed in, my mom’s eyes were shut.

I knew that she was faking sleep which was fine after she answered my questions. We drove for about five minutes in silence before I finally glanced over at her and demanded, “Tell me what’s going on.”

“Nothing. I’m fine. You can go back to California. Stop fussing over me.”

“Mom, tell me what’s going on,” I stated once more.

Her eyes opened as she turned her head toward me. “It’s just my iron. It’s low.”

“Iron deficiencies do not cause high fevers.”

“I have a little virus.”

“Mom, do not lie?—”

She closed her eyes and rested her head back once more. “I’m tired. I just want to go home.”

Her tone made it clear; this was not up for discussion. I knew that the more I pushed for information, the more she’d refuse to tell me, just to make the point that she could. I wasn’t going to get what I needed from her. Which meant I needed to find out from someone else. And I knew exactly who that someone was.

Asking Taylor would put her in an impossible situation. I just hoped whatever we had was strong enough to withstand the consequences of my request. If she told me, she’d be compromising her ethical integrity. If she didn’t, I’d have to accept her decision, which was not going to be easy. Either way, it wasn’t fair; I knew that. But I didn’t have a lot of choices.



“Tears contain a natural painkiller that can reduce pain and improve your mood.” ~ Tim Rhodes

My jaw was practically unhinged as an aggressive yawn claimed me, and I rubbed my heavy-lidded eyes. When I was in my twenties and even my early thirties, I’d been able to pull all-nighters easily. Now, in my mid-thirties, I wasn’t fairing so well. My body ached in places I wasn’t even sure I had muscles. Although that might have more to do with the triple-play sex-a-thon I’d engaged in last night than lack of sleep. If that was the case, it was totally worth it.

A thrill raced down my spine as I slid my key into the lock, remembering the way Remi touched me, kissed me, and held me. Being in his arms was the most relaxed, happy, and content I could ever remember feeling. Which was why, in the middle of the waiting room, I’d almost put my arms around him just to feel it again. Thankfully, I’d been called back in before I’d done something so out of character for me. There was enough of that happening without any active participation on my part. I had to draw the line at premeditated, uncharacteristic acts.

I walked inside, set my bag down on the entry table, and slipped off my clogs as another yawn overtook me. The bed was calling my name as I looked down the hall. I had eleven hours before I had to be back at the hospital. Kenna was due to bring Harper home in an hour or so, and then she was going to stay with me this week to help me with her. I was tempted to lay down on the couch and catch a quick cat nap, but I thought my time would be better served seeing what I had for dinner.

My eyes were barely open as I walked into the kitchen and flipped on the light. When I did, I saw someone sitting on my back porch. His back was to me, but I immediately recognized him. I would know those broad shoulders anywhere.

I opened the back door, and Remi’s head turned as he looked back at me over his shoulder.

“Hey, what are you doing here?”

“She won’t tell me what’s going on,” he explained as he stood.

I figured this visit had to do with his mom, but that’s not what I was asking. “Okay, but why are you sitting back here? On the back porch.”

“I didn’t think you’d want anyone to see me waiting on the front porch.”

Shit. That’s what I felt like—a piece of shit. Because he was right, I absolutely would not have wanted anyone to see Remi waiting on my front porch. He’d listened to me last night. He’d paid attention and adjusted his behavior accordingly. Who did that? Certainly not any of the men I’d dated in the past.

Why did he have to be so fucking perfect? And why did I have to be so fucked up that I would be embarrassed that a man that perfect was at my front door?

Remi took a step forward and stopped about six inches in front of me. My heart broke as I stared up into the depths of his dark brown eyes. I could see and feel his pain.

“She said it’s an iron deficiency and a virus. I know it’s not an iron deficiency and a virus.”

I took my Hippocratic oath very seriously. In all the years I’d practiced medicine, I’d never been tempted to break it. But I’d also never been in this situation before.

“Come in.” I stepped to the side, and he walked into my kitchen and sat down at the table.

The table we’d had sex on last night. The table he’d made me come on, so hard, I saw stars. The table I’d sanitized as soon as I woke up but would never be able to sit at without thinking about how he felt inside of me, slamming into me.