“That’s crazy,” Kane observed, and rightly so.
Remi chuckled a little as he agreed, “You have no idea.”
I was so busy wishing the earth would open up and swallow me whole that I completely forgot why we were all gathered at baggage claim. I was reminded that we were, in fact, waiting for my luggage when I felt Remi’s arm brush mine as he reached past me and lifted my suitcase off the metal conveyor belt.
“Oh.” I started to grab it from his hand, but he held on tightly. Our faces were a mere inch apart, just like they’d been when he was on top of me.
“I’ve got it,” he stated firmly.
The low, gravelly tone of authority sent a rush of familiar awareness rippling through me. I could feel my cheeks flushing as I released the handle and took a step back. If this was a battle of wills, which, make no mistake, it absolutely was, I just cried uncle. Defeat was not something I regularly experienced, and I was not a fan.
“Wait, how did you know that was Taylor’s luggage?” Ruby asked, her gaze bouncing between me and her brother like she was watching a match at Wimbledon.
“I, um, I pointed at it.” The words rushed out of me in an attempt to cover Remi’s obvious tell that we did, in fact, know each other.
Her brow furrowed. “You did?”
“Yep.” That was my story, and I was sticking to it.
Ruby and Kane both looked at Remi for confirmation.
He nodded. “She did.”
I exhaled a breath of relief that he’d played along.
“Here, I can take that.” Kane held out his hand toward Remi.
“I got it,” Remi insisted.
The two men shared a look that lasted a few seconds too long for my liking, but then Harper saved the day with rapid-fire questions about the wedding, her dress, and what the food was going to be while the five of us made our way to the parking garage.
As we all ascended the staircase, Kane fell back and walked with me. Harper, Ruby, and Remi were a few steps ahead. His voice was quiet as we made our way up behind the trio. “I brought the truck because I didn’t know Remi was going to be here. It’s going to be a tight squeeze.”
I knew why he was telling me that information. He was worried that I would be uncomfortable being seated so close to Remi. Which I would be, just not for the reason he was worried about.
“It’s okay. I’ll be fine.”
“Are you sure?” Kane’s expression was a mix of concern and confusion. “I can ask Ruby to sit in the back; she won’t mind.”
I wasn’t going to make his bride-to-be sit in the back seat. It was already a strange enough situation with me being in the wedding.
“No, I’m fine. Really. You’ve talked about him so much, I feel like I know him.”
“Yeah, I caught that,” Kane remarked as we reached the top of the stairs, where Ruby got his attention.
“Where are we parked?” she asked as she walked up beside him.
I wanted to ask what he meant by ‘Yeah, I caught that.’
What had he caught?
But before I could ask, Kane strode in front of me, leading the way to the truck. Harper fell in line between them, and Kyle/Remi dropped back so that he was walking beside me.
“Nice cover. Do you think they bought it?” he asked in a whisper.
“Don’t,” I said under my breath.
“Don’t what, Ana?”