Page 75 of Sawyer

“What is it?” Sin goes on alert. Sitting up, he scans the room.

“I forgot to call my sister and brother back.” I scramble off the bed, nearly tripping on the sheets before tugging them off and wrapping them around my body like a toga. I scan the floor as I look everywhere for my phone.

“Seriously?” Sin stands up, uncaring that he is bare-assed naked. He feels no shame in his nudity. “Phone is charging on the end table.” He walks over and kisses my forehead, surprising the hell out of me. “I’m going to go make breakfast.”

“Naked?” I blink at him and glance down at his dick.

“Don’t worry, I’ll put on an apron.”

“Don’t burn anything important.”

“Aww, you’re worried about my sausage and beans.”

“Sin.” I push him away. “Never say that again.”

“How about I make doughnuts and we play ring toss?” He smirks at me, and it’s then I realize his name suits him perfectly.

“What?” I chuckle, unable to swallow my laughter.

“I could lay myself out on the table for breakfast.”

“Sin, go away.” I push him toward the door, my laughter bubbling free.

“Okay, hear me out.” He drags his feet. “Twinkies.”

“You’re done.” I open the door, kick him out of his room, slam it in his face, and then lock it for good measure. “Eggs!”

“You’re going to need some protein!” Sin shouts through the door. “I’ll make you a shake.”

Even though he can’t see me, I still try to hide my smile. He’s going to break me, and I have no doubt he will try to put cum in any shake he makes.

I walk back to the end table and grab my phone. Powering it up, I slouch in a chair in the corner of the room.

As the screen loads, I find multiple messages from Freddy, all with equal amounts of pressure, demanding I call him as soon as possible.

I ignore all of them.

I dial my sister first and hit the video call because she won’t answer otherwise. It’s nearly eight in the morning, so chances are she might not even answer.

She doesn’t.

I call my brother next. I don’t want to because he will give me a hard time about not returning his calls, but it’s okay. He will survive.

He picks up on the first ring. “Video,” he barks in his alpha voice. He already sent the request across.

I accept, and his dark hair and severe face light up my screen. “Hey there, big bro.”

“Don’t you big bro me.” His eyes trace every inch of my face. “Why are you at Sin Pearson’s home?”

“How the fuck?” Anger rises swift and hot inside me. “How dare you put a tracker on me!”

“I wouldn’t have to use it if you’d return my damn calls,” he argues hotly, his hazel eyes squinting at me in irritation—eyes that all three of us share. They are our mother’s eyes, and the only omega thing I have about me. “Sawyer, I haven’t heard from you in days, and that damn bitch Brittany is doing all the news reports. Gammas are turning up dead, and I-I—”

Guilt burns like acid in my veins. “You worried about me?” I pinch the bridge of my nose.

“Then I have to find out from the tabloids that you accepted a pack offer. Sawyer, whatever trouble you’re in, tell me now, and I’ll come and get you.”

Hot fury rises inside me. He thinks I’m in trouble and not happily courting a pack. He’s right, but it still stings, and I hate that he can see right through all the smoke and mirrors.