“Sawyer, you can’t be here.” Owen steps closer to me. His bright blue eyes sparkle in the afternoon light. They are so bright, they glow like diamonds. All deltas have the same eye color. I’d never tell him how sexy I find it, though he can probably smell it on me.
“Oh, but I can.” I look behind me. “I’m not the only one either.”
Owen’s blond hair drifts onto his forehead, and he licks his lips. “It’s not safe for you.”
I lean closer, whispering, “It’s never safe for me, Owen.” This time, my teasing retort falls flat. “What did you find, Owen?”
“Sawyer, please.”
“I can’t just leave without a good excuse.” I look past him, my eyes landing on the thawing forest floor close to the edge of the road. Snow lingers in patches, and a simple blue delta blanket covers a body. Just beyond, another blue blanket covers a second body. “Fucking hell, Owen. How many?”
“Sawyer, please, go,” he begs, which isn’t like him.
I try to tease him. “Aww, I knew you liked me. Look at you trying to keep me safe.”
“Because I know you,” he snarls. “You are like a bloodhound sniffing out a story. Leave this one alone.”
“Why?” I push.
“Because they called in the big guns.” He looks just beyond me and nods. “Sir.”
A sliver of worry spreads through me before I square my shoulders and turn around. My hair whips across my face from momentum and wind, blinding me to the delta standing in front of me. Through the strands of my hair, I see icy blue eyes peering over the top of dark sunglasses.
“The infamous Sawyer,” comes a rumbly voice, and for a moment, there’s nothing I can do except soak in his timbre and scent. The fragrance of tequila with just a hint of leather saturates the air between us, making my mouth water.
I wonder if he tastes like a margarita.
“Infamous, huh?” I finally get my hair under control and get my first proper look at the delta before me. He’s tall and built like a swimmer, with brown skin, and his muscles threaten to burst through his black T-shirt. His dark hair is speckled with white hair, and it’s just a few weeks shy of being overgrown. The colors match his unshaven face, and his lips kick up at the edges under my perusal.
Fuck me, Daddy.
Clearing his throat, he says, “Yes, infamous. Now you should probably listen to Owen here and take your gamma ass back to that van and scurry home.”
Excuse me. “The fu—”
“Sawyer.” Owen clears his throat, demanding my attention, which I briefly give him. “You should go.”
“And what about the rest of the reporters?” Anger ignites in my veins. Is he singling me out? “Are you going to tell them to scurry on home as well?”
Thank the Fates I got that stimulant today.
“Yes,” he replies with finality. “Get the hell out of here, Sawyer.” The delta dips under the blue caution tape. “Or I’ll have you arrested.”
“For what?” Red, fiery rage boils away all the attraction I felt moments earlier.
“Interfering in a homicide.”
I throw my hands up and glance back at the other reporters, who all give this man a wide berth. “Who the hell are you?” I whisper, not expecting an answer.
He gives me one anyway. “Name’s Rumor. No last name,” he replies, turning around with his arms crossed and his sunglasses firmly in place. “Delta Force Special Ops.”
I made a mistake. Shit, the council only sends these guys out when shit hits the fan. I’d bet my entire wage that those are omegas under those blankets, and he’s here to cover this up.
“That’s what I thought,” he adds. “Get the fuck out of here, all of you, now, or I will have you arrested.”
I have no choice. With one last look at the blue blankets covering the bodies, I back away and climb into our van.
“Have you ever heard of him?” I ask Freddy as soon as he shuts his door.