“I’ll explain on the way.” He hefts his camera onto his shoulder, and as one, we dart to the side of the building, where he keeps our personal van.
“Color me intrigued,” I purr.
Tone it down, Sawyer.
Freddy is like that annoying friend everyone has, the one who is a know-it-all and in everyone’s business. I suppose that is why he works in a newsroom. It suits him. He stays on top of the crime by sitting at his desk and listening to the delta scanner—illegally, I might add, but the boss man doesn’t care. As long as he gets the story first, he’ll let a lot of our bullshit go.
Wearing jeans and a black news station polo, he appears unassuming. He’s also of average height, average build, and has a face one could perceive as attractive. I don’t, but he never has an issue getting a girl. The only thing about him that stands out is his flaming red hair and freckles.
I climb into the van, kicking empty fast-food bags out of the way, and sit on the leather seat. Freddy revs the engine, and I barely get my door shut before he peels away.
“The fuck, Fred?”
“Get this.” He glances at me with his dull gray eyes that look like a stormy day. “Delta enforcers found another body.”
Adrenaline pumps through my system, and my eyes widen. “Designation?”
“They didn’t say. The deltas were pretty hush-hush about it, even over the scanner.” He practically bounces in his seat…or maybe that’s just his driving.
My hands slap the dash as he takes a turn a little too fast. “Where?”
“That’s the best fucking part.”
“The mountains,” I murmur. The Oak Mountains run the length of Terra, dangerous and inescapable. Many don’t dare traverse it. Not only that, but Omega Castle backs right up to the side of a mountain. It’s a place where all the good little omegas go to learn how to be the perfect pack princess. “Another one? There’s no way it’s not another omega.”
“Exactly what I’m thinking.” He shakes his head. “Whatever is happening on that mountain, they are trying to cover it up.” This isn’t the first dead body to show up at the edges of the forest.
“And by them, I assume you mean the council?” I snarl. I loathe them as much as I hate myself for my addiction to stimulants. The alpha council recently added all designations to their little club, when before, only alphas and their heirs sat on their thrones.
Change is slow, so damn slow, and still, the gammas suffer.
“Who else?” he grumbles. “Anyway, the deltas said they have the scene on lockdown. They won’t be happy about you being there.”
“Too damn bad.”
“Are you going to live stream this? Or are we on Daily time?” he asks.
“Boss would have my ass if I chose not to do it on his time with a story this big, though I might go live on my socials tonight for an update to get the story out there even more. I’d like to confirm if it is another omega.” I roll my shoulders and crack my neck as the Oak Mountains come into view, along with the flashing blue lights of the delta enforcers.
“You ready for this?” Freddy asks as he pulls off the road and onto a small grassy patch. Across the street, enforcers loiter around, just waiting for us heathen journalists.
“To take on the enforcers and fuck up their day?” I smile at Freddy. “Of course I am.”
“They really hate you lately.” He chuckles to himself while throwing the van into park. The whole thing shudders and backfires. It’s dying, but it still runs, and that’s all I care about.
“Good, then I’m doing my job right.” Despite my words, nerves still flare to life inside me. The delta enforcers really aren’t to be messed with. Luckily, I’ve made a name for myself over the years, partly through my job at Central Daily and also from going live on my socials. Streaming myself in dangerous situations draws the attention of all designations.
And I don’t plan to stop anytime soon.
“There are dozens of them,” Freddy observes, his hand on the door. “You sure?”
“You are the one who brought me here,” I admonish, “so don’t back out now.”
Behind us, other vans skid to a stop, and that’s all the motivation I need to climb out and grab my mic and badge. Slipping the neon yellow lanyard over my head, I rush toward the bright blue caution tape. Freddy will no doubt catch up to me soon.
Adrenaline pumps through my veins as I take in all the deltas, preparing to use any and all force to keep us busybodies away.
Luckily, I see my favorite delta to harass. “Owen!” I wave to him and catch the shake of his head when he sees me. “Don’t act like you aren’t happy to see me, because I know you are.” I press against the caution tape, tempting fate as I flirt with him.