Page 107 of Sawyer

“Then tell me more. Tell me what’s happening out here.” I crawl over the dead body. He can’t even hold his wound closed, so there’s no way he can pull that trigger. Fear floods away from me, and my curiosity drives me closer.

“Why? So you can report on what needs to be done?” His voice is slower now, more strained. “I told you that in order to move forward, we need sacrifice.”

“What does moving forward mean to you?”

“The answer to the pack shortage.” A rattle begins in his chest as our time draws to an end. “What if—” He licks his lips, pushing his words out. “No one needed to struggle.”

I don’t know what he’s talking about. “At what cost?”

“Isn’t the cost too high as it is?” He gulps a breath and wheezes, his eyes rolling into the back of his head.

“What cost?” I damn near shout at him as I inch closer. “What cost?” I repeat, fearful of what he really means.

“It’s too late,” he says before slumping to the side. His breath rattles out, and the flow of blood stops. Life leaves his eyes, which stare at the blooming branches above.

The forest quiets, and a chill races up and down my spine, jumpstarting me into action.

I need to go. We need to run. Run.

I almost fall over myself as I race back through the forest to the guys and skid to a stop as the three untangle themselves from the rope.

Bryn reacts first, his nostrils flaring as he looks past me. “He wasn’t dead.”

“What?” Sin steps out of the rope that pools at his feet.

“How long?” Bryn asks, ignoring Sin and rolling the rope up.

“I don’t know, I don’t know,” I repeat. “They know we’re here. They know how many of us there are.” Tears burn my eyes. “We need to go now.”

“We won’t allow anything to happen to you, Sawyer,” Bryn promises, but I’m not sure it’s a promise he can keep, because I know without a doubt that something already has. Our time is running out, and it has been since we stepped foot in this forest.

“Let’s go. Stay quiet and low,” Rumor commands us. “Goggles on.”

Fingers shaking, I grab the glasses from my pocket and slip them on my face. Though the moon is bright, this prevents me from straining my eyes.

Following Rumor’s lead, we all sink to the ground. The men move around me like a shield, keeping their bodies in front of mine from all angles. Ever so slowly, we move in the opposite direction of the fallen men. I do my best not to make a sound, and while I think I’m quiet, my fear scents the air with rotten limes.

I can’t help it, nor can I contain my scent. Reaching into my pocket, I pull out another suppressor, hoping it will keep my scent away. The guys say nothing, not a word. They are a silent support, a protective wall.

It’s insane how many things can occur in such a short amount of time.

Rumor falling over the side of the mountain.

The rope snapping.

The beta’s warning.

Now, we are trying to get closer to something dangerous that we only ever speculated over.

I’m with two very dangerous men, but one is hazardous in vastly different ways than the other, and we’re still putting our lives on the line, which is more apparent than it was an hour ago.

I’m living in survival mode.

Heart pounding and body shaking, I nearly run into Rumor as he stops cold. My hand presses against his back to steady myself, and Sin grips my hips from behind.

The forest is silent. Completely and utterly silent.

Ever so slowly, Rumor turns around and leans over me to speak to Sin and me. “We’re being hunted.” He leans back, pressing a finger to his lips.