Page 14 of These Pucking Boys

“Excuse me?” Ryan butts in. “I was the perfect gentleman, wasn’t I, June?”

They’re all focused on me now, and their interest is turning me into a fool who forgot how to speak.

“Will you give the poor girl a break?” Melissa intervenes. “Come on, June. Let’s get you something to drink.”

Before I let Melissa steer me toward the bar, I nod to the guys. “Thanks for inviting me.”

“No need to thank us, sugar.” Ryan smiles and immediately gets elbowed by Lachlan.

They don’t follow us, and I’m a bit disappointed. I want to thank them properly, and maybe ogle the trio some more.

“What would you like to drink?” Melissa asks me when we get to the bar.

I almost go for another shot of tequila but think better of it. I should order a cocktail instead, so my hand is occupied for a while. I never know what to do with my hands in uncomfortable social situations.

“I’ll have a dirty martini.”

Melissa smirks. “Good choice. I’ll have one too.”

While she orders the drinks, I look over my shoulder to see if my hockey players are still in the same spot. Sadly, they aren’t.

Your hockey players, June? Get a grip.

“Here’s your drink, hon.” The glass is filled to the brim. Jesus.

Melissa sips her drink so the alcohol level isn’t dangerously close to spilling everywhere. I follow her example, and damn, this stuff is strong. I have to be careful.

“So, what’s the deal with Ryan and Lachlan? Are they not friends?”

Melissa laughs. “They’re frenemies. Or maybe they’re like brothers who bicker a lot.”

“I see.”

“The three of them live together in a big-ass loft apartment downtown.”

That surprises me. “Really? Don’t they make enough money to have their own places?”

“Sure they do, but they’ve been roommates since their rookie days and... I don’t know, they like the arrangement, I guess.” She shrugs.

“And their girlfriends don’t mind?”

“What girlfriends?” Melissa narrows her eyes. “You just wanted to know if they were off the market, didn’t you?”

Cheeks. Flames. Check.

“What? No. I don’t care either way. I don’t want to go out with any of them.” More like they’ll never want to go out with me.

“Why not?” She tilts her head. “Any of those boys are a catch. Well, maybe not Ryan. He’s a whore. But Jake and Lachlan are definitely boyfriend material.”

I take a large sip of the martini, praying she stops talking about them. I didn’t come to this party hoping to hook up with a hockey player. The idea never crossed my mind, even after seeing how attractive the boys were. But Melissa isn’t done.

“Or...” she continues. “You could have the three of them for one night.”

My eyes bug out. “What?”

She smirks. “They aren’t opposed to sharing.”

My heart is thundering in my chest now. I’ve never entertained having a ménage, much less sleeping with three men at the same time. When it comes to sex, I’m as vanilla as a person can be. I’ve only had sex with Bill, for crying out loud.