She smirks. “Yeah. They do tend to do that.”

I pretend she’s not flirting with me.

The first hour rolls by, and we each have a pint. Another one comes and goes, and nothing. Gia’s flitting around the room, chatting and schmoozing with the locals.

She gets up on stage once the karaoke kit comes out and belts out a surprisingly in-tune version of “Sweet Caroline,” much to the joy of the crowd.

I can’t help but smile too. She really is in her element in stuff like this.

She thrives on chaos. On people. On the thrill of the chase.

I could never take that from her.

We’re both on pint number four, carefully administered with food and water so we aren’t drunk, when Gia sucks in a breath.

“Look,” she whispers.

Marco is in the doorway.

And the woman from the video is with him.

Gia and I hunker down, making ourselves small in the corner near the door. He can’t see us from where we are, because of how the tables are positioned. I look at her.

“You ready?”

She nods. We’re both ready to confront him, and whoever his mystery woman is. I’m still a little enraged that, for all intents and purposes, Marco is fine.

While we’ve been trying to handle hell without him, he’s been here.

Sitting with a pretty woman.

Drinking beer.

Just fine. Marco comes in, walking by us so close that I can feel the heat radiating from him.

The woman goes to sit, and he walks up to the bar, ordering a drink. He’s about to take it to their table.

Now’s as good a time as any.

I stand up, ready to follow him, when I feel a hand at my wrist.

Not Gia’s.

A big, far more masculine hand.

I turn, putting myself before Gia. I look at the man, and my eyes widen.

This man is familiar.

As familiar to me as my own face.

Behind me, I hear Gia suck in a gasp.

“Dino,” Gia breathes.

I square up with my brother. “What the hell are you doing here?”

Dino shakes his head. “Not here,” he says. His voice is hoarse. It has been for a while now, ever since Elio beat the hell out of him for betraying Luna to the Irish.