Part of me is practically screaming in protest. I’m doing the thing that Gia told me she couldn’t do. I’m getting attached to her, in a way that means she won’t be able to do whatever she needs to in order to maintain her place as the Rossi’s nightmare twin.
The word sears into my mind.
Gia is not his lover. Gia isn’t in love with him.
She’s not in love with you either, asshole.
The thought makes my mood even darker.
She might not be in love with me.
But I have something that he doesn’t.
And I’m about to make that very, very apparent to her.
I grab Gia’s hips and pull, sliding her so she’s further down on the chaise lounge. I adjust so that I’m standing above her, peering down at her.
My staff knows to leave me alone unless I ask them to appear, so I don’t have any concerns about anyone seeing us.
Another thing I’m about to take full advantage of.
“You’re not his, Gia. You’re not his amour. You’re not his anything. He doesn’t own you,” I growl.
Her eyes flash with challenge. “And who does own me, Sal?”
Fuck it. “I do.”
It’s a gamble. Gia’s just as apt to hop up and slap me as she is to accept what I’m saying. She opens her mouth, and for a split second, I’m sure that she’s going to protest.
Then, her eyes darken. “Prove it,” she whispers.
Those two words set off a nuclear reaction in my body.
In seconds, I’m swooping down on the chaise. I growl as I grip her chin tightly, holding her face up to mine.
When I kiss her, it’s with every ounce of the frustration that I’m feeling.
It’s more than a kiss.
We’re both lying to ourselves if we think it’s not.
By the time I pull away, we’re both panting. I can see the muscles in her arms shaking, and I grin.
“Do you remember your word?”
She nods.
“Good. Turn over.”
She obeys, and her compliance sends a jet of lust through me that’s so powerful, it feels like it’s going to knock me out.
I barely recover before the next words are out of my mouth. “Put your hands up over your head.”
Slowly, almost hesitantly, Gia responds. Her hands reach up and grip the top rail of the chaise lounge.