“You know, Gia. When I last saw you, you said you would call. We had such fun together. But I waited,” he reaches for the back of his pants, and he pulls out a gun.

I step in front of Gia, but she edges me slightly to the side.

“I waited and waited. And you know what never happened?”

Gabriel’s crew is in full view now. There’s no way we’re getting out of this without a fight.

“What, Gabriel?” Gia says with a smirk.

“The call.”

He has a predatory glint in his eye when he levels the gun at me.

The alley echoes when he clicks the safety off, and I’ve never heard a louder sound in my entire life. My whole body is trained on him, ready to sprint forward and knock the gun out of his hands, even if I get shot in the process.

Gia is my only priority.

Gabriel shakes his head and points the gun at her.

“Gia,” he says softly. “You really should have called.”



Gabriel Durand is a loose end that I never should have left alive.

Honestly, when Sal said Marseille, I didn’t even register that we’d run into Gabriel here. When I last saw him, I was slipping out of his room in the middle of the night.

I was never going to call.

It’s not because he’s not handsome or anything. The man’s a five-alarm French fire.

He’s got dark olive skin and flashing brown eyes, which, coupled with his perpetually shaggy chestnut-colored locks, makes him just the most attractive French human I’ve ever seen.

Hence, why I slipped out of his bed that time. I wanted to get into it. And then I needed to leave it.

Gabriel might be handsome, and his alluring smile makes him seem like he’s tame.

But he’s also… dangerous.

Not in a logical way, like Elio and me. No, Gabriel is the unhinged type of dangerous that makes the hair stand up on the back of your neck and makes you check twice before stepping out into the light.

I watched him take a guy’s eyes out with a grapefruit spoon.

He’s that kind of unhinged.

It was impressive, and I’ll give him that, but still.

Staring down a gun held by a man who has shown a willingness to pop eyeballs with serrated silverware isn’t exactly a good place to be.

I know that I can’t show him that I’m utterly terrified of his gun right now. He’ll be entertained by that.

So, I step forward.

The only way to fight fire is with fire, right?

With Gabriel Durand, the only way to keep him from acting crazy is to act even crazier.