I consider this. “I am. It’s really thoughtful and really nice that you pictured me here.”

“You’re saying that like it was neither thoughtful nor nice.”

I sigh. “It is. I think it’s just… I’m not only that type of girl, you know?”

He studies me. “What do you mean?”

I’m not really even sure myself what exactly I’m trying to say.

“I love the image of us waking up here together. I love the idea that you and I would just enjoy the day. But at the same time, I can’t picture it without also thinking about the fact that I’m not sure how much of that I could do before it becomes…”

I stop.


That’s the word that’s pounding through my mind.

Boring. Mundane.

A life where I’m completely wrapped up in someone else instead of living for myself.

Where I, like the generations of women who have come before me, don’t live for what I want.

Where I live for what he wants.

And my dream of being the boss?

Just a dream.

“It’s just a house, Gia,” Sal murmurs. “Just a house. I can sell it. I can get rid of it. I can burn it down if you want.”

“That would be an actual crime.” I roll my eyes at him. “No. I don’t want that.”

But I don’t want to live in that impossible dream either.

Sal studies me for a little while before he gives a sharp nod. “Well. What’s next?”

I can hardly believe that he’s just going to accept this and move on. I raise my eyebrows. “What do you mean?”


I sigh. He’s right. It’s time to focus on the task at hand. Sal and I can do… whatever this is. The fun, sexy stuff.

But when it comes down to it, business is business. While the world thinks we’re dead, we need to find Marco.

And we need to find out why someone tried to kill us.

“I guess. Ireland it is.”

I flash Sal a confident smile, but inside I don’t feel confident at all. I feel… tangled.

In a way that definitely doesn’t feel good. It doesn’t feel bad.

I honestly have no idea what to feel.

So, I focus on what’s here. What’s now. I have Sal. We have a lead on Marco.

For now, I guess that’s all that matters.