Opening my eyes, I sip and wander over to the living room.
The sunlight is just barely kissing the lake, making it look like some kind of metal in the morning light. There’s no one out there right now, not even fishermen.
The view is stunning.
I breathe out. “This house… it really is fantastic.”
“I bought it thinking of you.”
The words make my heart stop.
Sal comes to stand by me. “The house. It reminded me of you.”
I know that I should think that’s romantic. I do. I really do.
But it also makes my stomach squeeze.
I always knew that Sal was interested in me. Hell, I’ve always been interested in him. But this? It comes a little too close to something that we haven’t talked about.
The reason that he left me to go to Europe.
The reason that I told him, all those days ago, that it wouldn’t work between us.
I thought I might have hinted at it last night, but apparently, I’m going to have to say it out loud. I can fool around with Sal all day. I can spend many happy hours engaging in hot, sweaty stuff with him.
But at the end of the day, I need to be able to put the business, the family, first.
I thought Sal understood that. I thought that when we gave in to this thing between us, he knew that I could be his, if that meant having fun.
And I am. His. As of right now, anyway.
But will he be able to let me go?
My lips purse in a frown. “How did you…”
Sal sighs. “Don’t freak out. I just… when I saw it, I saw the listing picture of this room,” he gestures to the living room that’s overlooking Lake Como. “And immediately, the image I had was of you, here. Having tea or coffee with me. Overlooking the lake.”
It’s heartbreakingly beautiful.
I can picture it too.
I’d love to wake up, have a morning like the one we just did, and then have breakfast (with coffee, since I hate tea) overlooking the lake.
Then, we could wander around the town. Go for a boat ride.
Literally do anything, as long as we were together.
I love the vision too.
That kind of domestic bliss isn’t the only thing that I want.
“I’m flattered, Sal,” I say softly.
He tilts his head. “Are you?”