Sal laughs, and the sound rumbles through his chest. “Your confidence is simultaneously very sexy and a little terrifying.”

“Sexy and terrifying is basically my brand,” I whisper.

Sal’s laugh feels like a balm on my soul. I can’t remember the last time I felt this airy and light.

Maybe… never?

He holds me close again. “We should probably get up,” he murmurs.

His impressive cock twitches against my butt, and I grin.

“Maybe,” I say.

Before Sal can ask any questions, I turn in his arms. My hand glides over his chest, tracing the tattoos there, before I run my nails down his abs.

I see him gulp in a breath, the movement reflecting in the flex of his stomach.

“Gia,” he murmurs.

I can’t tell if it’s a plea or a warning.

I blink and look up at him. “Yes?”

“What are you doing?”

Innocently, I tilt my head to the side. “Last night’s rules don’t apply anymore, right?”

He doesn’t answer, but I see his eyes go dark with lust.

“I didn’t get to touch you last night,” I whisper. “It was in the rules. Which I was so good and followed just like you told me to.”

I don’t really care that the words sound perilously close to begging. There’s something to this game between Sal and I, where we both adopt personas that are a little different than who we are normally, that’s hot.


That’s not right either.

Because Sal is exactly the type of person who would enjoy being a pleasure Dom. Someone who notices so much. Someone who wants to be in control, even if he knows that he can’t.

And I guess I’m a little bit of a manipulative princess.

I pout. “I didn’t get any chances to touch you, and you were so good to me,” I say.

Sal’s eyes narrow, like he’s fighting to keep them trained on me. “No. You didn’t.”

“I think I get to have my chance now, don’t I?”

“That depends.”

I blink. “On what?”

“On how you take me,” Sal says in that voice that’s so full of desire, it makes my heart slam into my chest in response.

I don’t respond.

The shirt I was wearing flies over my head. My panties? Gone.

I hook my thumbs in the waistband of his soft linen pajamas, and he lifts his hips, letting me pull them down his legs.