The endearment just kind of… slipped out. I didn’t mean to say it, not exactly.
It’s something I’ve thought for a very, very long time.
“I don’t like how Interpol is involved,” Gia murmurs.
Fine. We’re not going to address the endearment. That works for me too.
“Me neither. It’s just too…”
I nod. “Too close.”
“How many people know about this place?”
“No one. I just bought it recently.”
“How recently?”
Recently enough that I pictured you when I looked at the listing.
“Recently enough that it’s not going to bounce to any official ledgers until about a month from now.”
“So, if someone managed to find us here…”
“Impossible unless we had a tail.”
Even then, there are security cameras like crazy, and they all have a feed to my phone. I had turned it on while Gia was down the hall showering.
“Odds that we have a tail?”
I look at the article. “If Interpol is involved…”
“Interpol has some good ones.”
“But you’re a step ahead, right? Mister criminology degree?”
“No degree. Just classes.”
“Do you want one?”
I glance at Gia. “What?”
“The degree.”
I’m not sure. It’s never been an option for me. Marco has a business degree, but it wasn’t something anyone offered to me.
“I don’t know.”
Gia sighs, pushing away her mostly empty plate.
“Okay. This was unfairly good. I haven’t had carbonara that delicious in a long time, and now I’m stuffed. It’s late. I’m tired. Let’s go to bed.”